The Condominium Buyer's Handbook is created by the Michigan Department of Licensing and
Regulatory Affairs as required by the Condominium Act (PA 59 of 1978, as amended).
This edition includes Public Act 170 of 2015 amendments.
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The Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs has NO authority to enforce
or regulate any provisions of the Act or the bylaws of condominium
The Condominium Buyer's Handbook is a guide for people who are interested in
buying a condominium. For your protection, you should read this booklet before you
sign a purchase agreement. This handbook contains a summary of portions of the
Condominium Act. Although the information is directed primarily toward residential
condominium buyers, the Act also covers business, manufactured housing,
campground and marina condominium developments. The last section of the
handbook describes the legal remedies that are available to you based on the
Condominium Act.
Although the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs is the designated
administrator in the Act, the Legislature repealed the Department's regulatory and
enforcement responsibilities in 1983.
Additional information may be found on our website at:
NOTE: A person or association of co-owners adversely affected by a violation of,
failure to comply with, the Condominium Act, administrative rules, or any provision
of your bylaws or master deed may take action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
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Condominium unit co-owners have exclusive ownership rights to their unit and the
right to share the common elements of the condominium development with other co-
owners. The condominium subdivision plan, which is part of the master deed,
identifies which areas are units and which areas are common elements.
The co-owners own and maintain the development once the developer has sold all
the units, unless the local government agrees to take responsibility for maintaining
a portion of the development. Roads are an example of a portion of a condominium
development that may become public.
The master deed provides the percentage of ownership for each condominium unit
in the development. This percentage is the basis for determining your obligation for
payment of monthly maintenance fees, assessments for major repairs, and may
determine your voting percentage at association meetings. The association of co-
owners determines how much the monthly maintenance fee will be and assesses
each owner for repairs to the common elements.
Read the bylaws for the association and condominium development as they contain
provisions outlining your rights and obligations as a co-owner.
You are obligated to pay the monthly maintenance fee and any assessments. If
there are no restrictions in the bylaws that place limits on increasing the monthly fee,
the association has the right to determine the amount. If the roads, or any other
portion of the common elements in the development need repair, the association will
determine the amount each owner is responsible for paying. If there are no
restrictions in the bylaws regarding assessments, the association has the right to
determine the amount. If you fail to pay an assessment or monthly fee, the
association may place a lien on your unit.
Modifications or repairs to your unit may require approval of the co-owners
association. If you do not obtain approval, the association may take legal action
against you.
Before signing a purchase agreement, you should be aware of any restrictions on
pets, renting, displaying items outdoors, and other prohibitions in the bylaws. Even
if a restriction is not in the bylaws when you purchase, the association may amend
the bylaws. Only changes that materially affect the co-owners require a vote of all
You may not have the right to attend association meetings unless the bylaws specify
that you may attend. The bylaws may not require associations to provide minutes
of their meetings to co-owners.
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A preliminary reservation agreement gives you the opportunity, for a specified time,
to purchase a particular condominium unit upon sale terms to be determined later.
The developer must place the payment you make in an escrow account with an
escrow agent. If you make a payment under a preliminary reservation agreement
and cancel the agreement, the developer must fully refund the money. If you enter
into a purchase agreement, the developer must credit the payment toward any
payment due in the purchase agreement.
A purchaser may withdraw from a signed purchase agreement without cause
or penalty within nine business days as long as the property has not been
conveyed to the purchaser. The nine-business day window starts the day the
purchaser receives all the documents that the developer is required to provide. The
developer must deposit payments made under a purchase agreement in an escrow
account with an escrow agent.
Before signing an agreement, it is advisable to seek professional assistance to
review all condominium documents.
Some issues to consider before buying include the following:
ā€¢ Do not rely on verbal promises - insist that everything be in writing and
signed by the appropriate parties involved in the transaction.
ā€¢ The bylaws may contain a variety of restrictions. You may be required to
receive association approval for certain actions. If you do not obtain prior
approval, the association has authority to enforce the legal restrictions in
the bylaws.
ā€¢ You may be subject to a binding purchase agreement before construction
is complete. Determine whether the agreement will provide you with
adequate rights if the developer does not finish the unit in time to meet the
occupancy date.
ā€¢ You may wish to contact the local government to determine if the
developer is contractually obligated to finish the development.
ā€¢ Review all restrictions, covenants, and easements that might affect the
condominium project or your unit.
ā€¢ Determine if the developer has reserved any rights to alter the project.
ā€¢ Before signing a purchase agreement, make sure you have financing, or
that the agreement specifies it is dependent on your ability to obtain a
mortgage commitment for the unit.
ā€¢ When buying a condominium unit in a structure, you may also be a joint
owner of the furnace, roof, pipes, wires and other common elements. Ask
for an architect's or engineer's report on the condition of all building
components, their expected useful life and building maintenance records.
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ā€¢ There is no governmental agency that regulates condominium
associations and management companies. Only a judge has authority to
order an association to comply with the Condominium Act and bylaws.
The developer must provide copies of the following documents to a prospective
1. The recorded master deed.
2. A copy of the purchase agreement and the escrow agreement.
3. This condominium buyer's handbook.
4. A disclosure statement that includes:
ā€¢ The developer's previous experience with condominium projects.
ā€¢ Any warranties undertaken by the developer.
ā€¢ The extent to which financial arrangements have been provided for
completion of all structures and improvements labeled "must be built" on the
subdivision plan.
ā€¢ An itemization of the associationā€™s budget.
Initially, the developer appoints the board of directors, who govern the development
until the first annual meeting. The provisions for holding the annual meeting and
designating the voting procedures should be included in the condominium
development bylaws. The Condominium Act, (Section 52), describes the procedure
for transitioning from the developer to the association of co-owners for the governing
of the development. (Also see ā€œElection of Association of Co-owners Board of
Directorsā€ later in this handbook.)
The co-owners elect the association, which is responsible for governing the
development and maintaining the general common elements. The general common
elements may consist of hallways, lobbies, building exteriors, lawns, streets (if the
roads are private), recreation facilities, heating, water and electric systems. The
association may hire a management company to provide services for the
development. They also have the right to assess co-owners for repairs. After the
creation of the association, the association may adopt bylaws for the operation of
the association. Rules governing the condominium development are in the bylaws
that the developer created for the condominium development.
A condominium association is a private, not public entity. Meetings of the
association are not subject to the Open Meetings Act, which requires public agencies
to make attendance at meetings open to the public and requires the provision of
minutes that describe actions taken at the meeting.
Associations are required by law to keep books and records with a detailed account
of the expenditures and receipts affecting the project and its administration, and
which specify the operating expenses. The developer must provide a disclosure
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statement itemizing the association's budget at the time you receive the master
Associations are required to maintain a reserve fund for major repairs and
replacement of common elements. The minimum amount is 10% of the annual
budget on a non-cumulative basis. If the association needs additional funds for
major repairs, they may have the right to assess each owner. Monthly fees and
assessments are a lien on the condominium unit. You may not be exempt from
monthly fees and assessments by nonuse of the common elements or by
abandonment of the condominium unit.
If you have a complaint with the association or other co-owners, review the
condominium bylaws to determine what recourse you have. Generally, only
professional arbitrators or the courts have jurisdiction over complaints between
these parties.
The association must provide a financial statement annually to each co-owner. The
books, records, and contracts concerning the administration and operation of the
condominium project must be available for examination by any of the co-owners at
convenient times. An association with annual revenues more than $20,000 shall
have its books, records, and financial statements independently audited or reviewed
by a certified public account on an annual basis. However, such an association may
opt out of the requirement for an independent audit or review by a certified public
account by an annual affirmative vote. The association must keep current copies of
the master deed, all amendments to the master deed, and other condominium
documents available at reasonable hours to co-owners, prospective purchasers and
prospective mortgagees.
The term "site condominium" is not legally defined in the Condominium Act. It is
used to describe a condominium development with single-family detached housing
instead of two or more housing units in one structure.
Site condominium developments must comply with the Act. The Act requires
developers to notify the appropriate local government of their intent to develop a
condominium project. The type of review the development is subject to depends on
the local government's ordinances. Site condominium documents are not reviewed
by the State for conformance with the Condominium Act.
Another type of single-family-residential housing development in Michigan is a
subdivision which is regulated according to the Land Division Act. Although a site
condominium development may look like a subdivision developed in accordance
with the Land Division Act, they are not the same. Subdivisions developed pursuant
to the Land Division Act are subject to state review for conformance with the Land
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Division Act. Subdivisions developed pursuant to the Land Division Act must be
approved for compliance with the Land Division Act before the developer may sell
any real estate.
Common elements mean the portions of the condominium project other than the
condominium unit. Limited common elements are areas with usage restrictions. A
carport space assigned to a unit is a limited common element. The yard of a single
family detached unit, for use by the owner of that unit, may be a limited common
element. General common elements such as roads, open space areas and
recreation facilities are available for use by everyone in the development. The
master deed specifies which areas of your condominium development are
designated as limited or general common elements. Use of the common elements
is governed by the bylaws for the condominium development.
The advisory committee is established when one of the following occurs, whichever
happens first: 120 days after 1/3 of the units are sold or one year after a unit is sold
to a non-developer co-owner.
The purpose of the advisory committee is to meet with the developmentā€™s board of
directors to facilitate communication and aid in the transition of control from the
developer to the association of co-owners. The advisory committee ceases when a
majority of the association of co-owners is elected by the (non-developer) co-
No later than 120 days after 25% of (non-developer) co-owners have title to the
units; that may be created, at least one director, and not less than 25% of the board
of directors shall be elected by the co-owners.
No later than 120 days after 50% of (non-developer) co-owners have title to the units
that may be created, at least one third of the board of directors shall be elected by
the co-owners.
No later than 120 days after 75% of (non-developer) co-owners have title to units,
and before 90% are sold, the co-owners shall elect all but one director on the board.
The developer shall have the right to designate one director only if the developer
owns and offers for sale at least 10% of the units, or as long as 10% of the units
remain to be created.
If titles to 75% to 100% of the units that may be created have not been sold 54
months after the first conveyance, the (non-developer) co-owners shall elect the
number of board members equal to the percentage of units they hold. If the
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developer has paid all assessments, the developer has the right to elect the number
of board members equal to the percentage of units that are owned by the developer.
The condominium documents include the master deed, condominium subdivision
plan, bylaws for the condominium project, and any other documents referred to in
the master deed or bylaws. In addition, the developer is required to provide a
disclosure statement.
Once the association is established, it may adopt another set of bylaws pertaining
to the association's operation. The association or management company must keep
books and records with a detailed account of the expenditures and receipts affecting
the project and its administration, and which specify the operating expenses.
If the condominium documents contain a statement that the developer or association
of co-owners has reserved the right to amend the documents for that purpose, then
the documents may be amended without the consent of the co-owners, as long as
the change does not materially alter or change the rights of a co-owner.
The master deed, bylaws and condominium subdivision plan may be amended, even
if the amendment will materially alter or change the rights of a co-owner with the
consent of at least 2/3 of the votes of the co-owners and mortgagees.
The method or formula used to determine the percentage of value of each unit for
other than voting purposes cannot be modified without the consent of each affected
A co-owner's condominium unit dimensions or limited common elements may not be
modified without the co-owner's consent.
The association of co-owners may amend the condominium documents as to the
rental of units or terms of occupancy. The amendment does not affect the rights of
any lessors or lessees under a written lease executed before the effective date of
the amendment, or condominium units that are owned or leased by the developer.
A developer who offers or sells a condominium unit in violation of the Act is liable to
the purchaser for damages.
A person or association of co-owners adversely affected by a violation of, or failure
to comply with, the Act, the administrative rules issued under the authority of the Act,
or any provision of an agreement or a master deed may take action in a court with
jurisdiction. The court may award costs to the prevailing party.
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A co-owner may take action against the association of co-owners to compel the
association to enforce the condominium documents. To the extent that the
condominium documents expressly provide, the court shall determine costs of the
proceeding and the successful party shall recover those costs.
A co-owner may take action against another co-owner for injunctive relief or for
damages for noncompliance with the terms of the condominium documents or the
For condominium projects established on or after May 9, 2002, the bylaws must
contain a provision that disputes relating to the interpretation of the condominium
documents or arising out of disputes among co-owners may be resolved through
arbitration. Both parties must consent to arbitration and give written notice to the
association. The decision of the arbitrator is final and the parties are prohibited from
petitioning the courts regarding that dispute.
A co-owner, or association of co-owners, may execute a contract to settle by
arbitration for any claim against the developer that might be the subject of a civil
action. A purchaser or co-owner has the exclusive option to execute a contract to
settle by arbitration for any claim against the developer that might be the subject of
a civil action and involves less than $2,500. All costs will be allocated in the manner
provided by the arbitration association. A contract to settle by arbitration must
specify that the arbitration association will conduct the arbitration. The method of
appointment of the arbitrator will be pursuant to rules of the arbitration association.
Arbitration will be in accordance with Public Act No. 236 of 1961, (MCL 600.5001 to
5065), which may be supplemented by rules of the arbitration association. An
arbitration award is binding on the parties to the arbitration.
The Condominium Act provides the right to notify the governmental agency that is
responsible for the administration and enforcement of construction regulations of an
alleged violation of the state construction code, other applicable building code, or
construction regulation.
A person who willfully and knowingly aids in misrepresentation of the facts
concerning a condominium project, as described in the recorded master deed, is
guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine, imprisonment, or both.
Actions under MCC 559.258 shall be brought by the prosecuting attorney of the
county in which the property is located, or by the department of attorney general.
A person cannot take action arising out of the development or construction of the
common elements, or the management, operation, or control of a condominium
project, more than three years from the transitional control date or two years from
the date of the cause of the action, whichever occurs later. The transitional control
date is the date the board of directors takes office by an election where the co-
owners' votes exceed the developer's votes for the board members.
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A condominium developer may be required to be a licensed residential builder under
the Occupational Code (PA 299 of 1980, Article 24, as amended). A complaint for
a violation of the Michigan Occupational Code or administrative rules, must be
made within 18 months after completion, occupancy, or purchase of a residential
structure. Conduct subject to penalty is described in the Occupational Code (MCL
339.2411). Complaints concerning construction may be filed with:
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Construction Codes
Compliance Division
P. O. Box 30254
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 241-9309
Fax: (517) 241-0130
Construction of a condominium falls under the authority of the enforcing agency for
that governmental subdivision. Check the link below to determine whether it is state,
county, city, village or township jurisdiction.
Condominium Act, P.A. 59 of 1978, as amended, MCL 559.101 et seq.
Condominium Rules, R559.101 et seq, 1985 Michigan Admin Code.
Occupational Code, P.A. 299 of 1980, as amended, MCL 339.101 et seq.
Stille-DeRossett-Hale Single State Construction Code Act, P.A. 230 of 1972, as amended, MCL 125.1501 et seq.