Volume 4, Issue 1 2008 Article 1
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in
Estimated Age Effects in Baseball
Ray C. Fair, Yale University
Recommended Citation:
Fair, Ray C. (2008) "Estimated Age Effects in Baseball," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in
Sports: Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 1.
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
©2008 American Statistical Association. All rights reserved.
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Estimated Age Effects in Baseball
Ray C. Fair
Age effects in baseball are estimated in this paper using a nonlinear fixed-effects regression.
The sample consists of all players who have played 10 or more "full-time" years in the major
leagues between 1921 and 2004. Quadratic improvement is assumed up to a peak-performance
age, which is estimated, and then quadratic decline after that, where the two quadratics need not be
the same. Each player has his own constant term. The results show that aging effects are larger for
pitchers than for batters and larger for baseball than for track and field, running, and swimming
events and for chess. There is some evidence that decline rates in baseball have decreased slightly
in the more recent period, but they are still generally larger than those for the other events. There
are 18 batters out of the sample of 441 whose performances in the second half of their careers
noticeably exceed what the model predicts they should have been. All but 3 of these players
played from 1990 on. The estimates from the fixed-effects regressions can also be used to rank
players. This ranking differs from the ranking using lifetime averages because it adjusts for the
different ages at which players played. It is in effect an age-adjusted ranking.
KEYWORDS: aging, baseball
Author Notes: Cowles Foundation and International Center for Finance, Yale University, New
Haven, CT 06520-8281. Voice: 203-432-3715; Fax: 203-432-6167; email: [email protected];
website: http://fairmodel.econ.yale.edu. I am indebted to Danielle Catambay for research
assistance and to John Oster and Sharon Oster for their helpful comments.
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1 Introduction
This paper estimates the effects of aging on the performance of major league
baseball players. The performance measures used are on-base percentage (OBP)
and on-base percentage plus slugging percentage (OPS) for batters and earned run
average (ERA) for pitchers. The paper estimates 1) the rate of improvement up to
the peak-performance age, 2) the peak-performance age itself, and 3) the rate of
decline after this age. The improving and then declining age profile is assumed
to be the same for each player, including the peak-performance age. Each player
has his own constant term, however, and so there are n dummy variables in the
regression (a fixed-effects regression), where n is the number of players. Both
the improving and declining profiles are assumed to follow quadratic processes,
where the two processes need not be the same. The restrictions imposed are that
the two quadratic processes touch and have zero slopes at the peak-performance
age. The model is presented in Section 2; the data are discussed in Section 3; and
the estimates are presented in Section 4.
The sample is for the period 1921–2004 (1921 is the first year of the “live”
ball). Only players who have played at least 10 “full-time” years in this period are
included in the sample, where a full-time year is a year in which a batter played in
at least 100 games and a pitcher pitched at least 450 outs. The aim of this paper
is to estimate aging effects for injury-free, career baseball players, and the sample
was chosen with this in mind. If a batter played fewer than 100 games or a pitcher
pitched fewer than 450 outs in a year, it is possible that the player was injured, and
so these “part-time” years were excluded. If a player played at least 10 full-time
years, he is clearly a career player. The estimated aging effects in this paper are
thus conditional on the player being a career player and not affected by injuries.
The biological decline rate is being estimated for injury-free players. No attempt
is made to estimate the effect of aging on injuries.
There is much work in sabermetrics on developing measures of performance
that might be improvements on OBP, OPS, ERA, and the like.
The standard
measures (like OPS and ERA) are adjusted for issues like 1) the introduction of
the designed hitter rule in the American League in 1973, 2) different ball parks
that players play in, and 3) different league yearly averages. These kinds of ad-
For example, OPS+ and ERA+ are featured on the website www.baseball-reference.com. OPS+
is OPS adjusted for ballparks, the league, and league yearly averages. ERA+ is ERA adjusted for
the same things. Another well known measure is Bill James’ (2001) Win Shares. Another is LW
(linear weights), developed by Thorn and Palmer (1984). Another is EqR (equivalent runs), used,
for example, by Silver (2006).
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justments, however, are problematic from the point of view of this paper. First,
the adjustments tend to be subjective. They are based on particular views about
what is and is not important in measuring players’ performances, and there are no
rigorous ways of testing whether one measure is better than another. Second, and
perhaps more important, adjusting for league averages is likely to over adjust a
player’s performance. If there are fluctuations in league averages over time that
have no effect on a player’s performance, which seems likely, then it is not appro-
priate to divide, say, a player’s OPS for the year by the league-average OPS for
the year to get an “adjusted” OPS for the player. To take an obvious case, say that
the league-average OPS increased for the year because a number of players began
using steroids, but that player A did not use steroids. If player A’s actual OPS were
unchanged for the year, then his adjusted OPS would fall because of the higher
league average, and this would be an incorrect adjustment. Because of these prob-
lems, no adjustments to the standard OBP, OPS, and ERA measures were made for
the work in this paper. This work is based on the assumption that the 15-year-or-so
period that a player plays is stable for that player. This assumption is obviously
only an approximation, since some changes clearly take place within any 15-year
period, but it may not be a bad approximation. In future work, however, it may be
interesting to experiment with alternative measures.
Once the aging estimates have been obtained, they can be used in a variety
of ways. One way, as discussed below, is to compare them to estimates obtained
using the “delta approach.” This is done in Section 5, where it is argued that the
delta approach likely leads to estimated decline rates that are too large. Another
way is to search for players who have unusual age-performance profiles. It will be
seen that there are 18 batters out of the sample of 441 whose actual OPS values
late in their careers are noticeably larger than predicted by the equation. All but 3
of these players played from 1990 on. These results are presented in Section 6.
The estimates can also be compared to those for other events. In previous
work—Fair (1994, 2007)—I have estimated decline rates for various track and
field, running, and swimming events and for chess. The methodology used in the
present paper is quite different from that used in this earlier work, which is based on
the use of world records by age, and it is of interest to see how the results compare.
It will be seen that the estimated rates of decline in baseball are somewhat larger
than those in the other events. These comparisons are discussed in Section 7, where
possible reasons for the larger rates in baseball are also discussed.
The stability of the estimates over time is examined in Section 8. There is some
evidence that decline rates in baseball are slightly smaller now than they were 40
years ago, although the evidence in general is mixed.
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Finally, the estimates provide a way of ranking players that adjusts for the ages
at which they played. Take two players, both of whom started at age 23. Say that
one played until age 32 and the other played until age 38. Given, as will be seen,
that the peak-performance age is about 28, the second player should be expected,
other things being equal, to have a worse lifetime performance record because he
played a larger fraction of his years below the peak. Ranking players by lifetime
OBP, OPS, or ERA does not correct for possible different ages played. One can
correct for this, however, by ranking players by the size of the coefficient estimates
of the player dummy variables in the regression, i.e., by the players’ estimated
constant terms. This ranking is discussed in Section 9 and presented in Tables A.1
and A.2 for the sample of 441 batters and 144 pitchers.
Regarding previous work in this area, Bill James is the pioneer in using baseball
statistics. In his 1982 Baseball Abstract he evaluated thousands of ballplayers and
concluded that the majority of players peaked at age 27, with most others peaking
at age 26 or 28. The results below are consistent with this conclusion. For example,
the estimated peak age for batters using the OPS measure is 27.59 years, with an
estimated standard error of 0.23 years. One way of estimating aging effects (not
just peak ages) in the baseball literature is to use what is sometimes called the "delta
approach" (see www.tangotiger.net/aging.html). Silver (2006), for example, uses
this approach using equivalent runs (EqR) as his measure of performance. The
approach is to take, say, all 31 year olds in one’s sample who also played when
they were 32, compute the average of the measure across these players for age 31
and for age 32, and then compute the percentage change in the two averages. This
is the estimated change between ages 31 and 32. Then do the same for ages 32 and
33, where the sample is now somewhat different because the players have had to
play at both ages 32 and 33. Continue for each pair of ages. Section 5 argues that
this approach is likely to lead to biased estimates—to estimated rates of decline
at the older ages that are too large. The delta approach does not appear to be a
reliable way of estimating aging effects.
Schultz, Musa, Staszewski, and Siegler (1994) use a sample of 235 batters and
153 pitchers, players who were active in 1965. They compute averages by age.
Using these averages for a variety of performance measures, they find the peak-
performance age to be about 27 for batters and 29 for pitchers. As will be seen, the
27 age for batters is close to the estimates in this paper, but the 29 age for pitchers
is noticeably larger. As they note (pp. 280–281), their averages cannot be used to
estimate rates of decline because of selection bias (better players on average retire
later). Schell (2005, Chapter 4) also computes averages by age and also notes (p.
46) the selection bias problem. He presents plots of these averages for various
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performance measures, but does not use them because of the bias problem. He
adjusts his performance measures using data on the ages at which players reached
various milestones, like 1000 at bats, 2000 at bats, etc. He does not attempt to
estimate rates of decline.
The two studies closest to the present one are Berry, Reese, and Larkey (1999)
and Albert (2002). Albert (2002), using LW (linear weights) as the measure of
performance, estimates a quadratic aging function for each player separately and
then combines the regression estimates using a Bayesian exchangeable model.
The estimates are made separately by decade. Albert assumes that the quadratic
is symmetric around the peak age. Barry, Rees, and Larkey (1999) postulate an
asymmetric, nonparametric aging function that is the same for all players. They are
also concerned with player differences across decades, and they use hierarchical
models to model the distribution of players for each decade. More will be said
about both of these studies in the next section.
2 The Model
Let y
denote the measure of performance for player i in year t (either OBP, OPS,
or ERA), and let x
denote the age of player i in year t. The model for player i is:
+ β
+ γ
, x
+ β
+ γ
, x
δ is the peak-performance age, and
is the error term. As noted in the Introduction,
the two quadratic equations are constrained to have zero derivatives and touch at
= δ. This imposes the following three constraints on the coefficients:
= 2γ
= 2γ
= α
Figure 1 presents a plot of what is being assumed.
There is quadratic improvement
up to δ and quadratic decline after δ, where the two quadratics can differ. The
unconstrained coefficients to estimate are γ
, γ
, δ, and α
For batters large values of OBP and OPS are good, and for pitchers small values of ERA
are good. Figure 1 and the discussion in this section assumes that large values are good. It is
straightforward to adjust the discussion for ERA.
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
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20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Figure 1
Postulated Relationship Between Performance and Age
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Each player is assumed to have his own α
(and thus his own α
from equation
(2)). Let p
be a dummy variable for player j that is equal to 1 if j = i and 0
otherwise, and let d
be a dummy variable that is equal to 1 if x
δ and 0
otherwise. Then the equation to be estimated is:
+ γ
+ x
)(1 d
)] +
= 1 if x
δ and 0 otherwise
where J is the total number of players. In this equation i runs from 1 to J. For
each player, t runs over the years that he played.
is assumed to be iid and to be
uncorrelated with the age variables.
The coefficients to estimate in equation (3) are the J values of the alphas, γ
, and δ. If δ is known, the two terms in brackets are known, and so the equation
is linear in coefficients. The equation can then be estimated by the standard fixed-
effects procedure of time-demeaning the data. Overall estimation can thus be done
by trying many values of δ to find the value that minimizes the sum of squared
residuals. This does not, however, produce correct standard errors because the
uncertainty of the estimate of δ is not taken into account. Equation (3) must be
estimated by nonlinear least squares to get correct standard errors. This is a large
nonlinear maximization problem because of the large number of dummy variable
coefficients estimated.
The key assumption of the model is that all players have the same β
s and
s, i.e., the same improving and declining rates. Given this, the specification is
fairly flexible in allowing the improving rate to differ from the declining rate and
in allowing the peak-performance age to be estimated. Each player has, of course,
his own constant term, which in Figure 1 determines the vertical position of the
In the table of results below, estimates of γ
, γ
, and δ are presented. In addition,
some implied values by age are presented. Consider the following:
= ˆy
= k) ˆy
δ) (4)
The first term on the right hand side is the predicted value for player i at age
k, and the second term is the predicted value for player i at the estimated peak-
performance age
δ. R
is the same for all players because a player’s constant
term appears additively in both predicted values and so cancels out. R
thus does
not need an i subscript. It is the amount by which a player at age k is below his
estimated peak. Va lu es of R
for different values of k are presented in the table
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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The derivative of y
with respect to x
= 2γ
δ)(1 d
This derivative is not a function of a player’s constant term, and so it is the same
for all players of the same age. Let
= 100
= k)
where ¯y is the mean of y
over all the observations. D
is roughly the percentage
change in y for a player at age k. It is only roughly the percentage change because
¯y is used in the denominator rather than a specific player’s predicted value at the
relevant age. Val ue s of D
for different values of k are also presented in the table
This model relative to the models of Berry, Reese, and Larkey (1999) and
Albert (2002), discussed at the end of the Introduction, is parsimonious. Only
three coefficient estimates are estimated aside from the constant term for each
player. It will be seen that this leads to very precise coefficient estimates—a
precisely estimated age profile. Although Albert (2002) restricts the quadratic to
be symmetric around the peak age, which according to the results below is not the
case, his method has the advantage of not having to assume that the aging profile
is the same for all players. The disadvantage is that even with the Bayesian model
that he uses, many parameters are in effect being estimated, and so the precision
may be low. Berry, Reese, and Larkey (1999) assume, as is done in this paper, that
the age profile is the same for all players, but they also in effect estimate many
more parameters because, among other things, of their assumption that players
differ across decades.
A potential cost of the present approach is that the assumption of a constant
age profile across players and over time may not be accurate, which means that
the model may be misspecified. One way in which the model may be misspecified
is the following. Say there is a variable like body mass that is different for each
player but that does not change for a given player across his career. If, say, body
mass has no effect on a player’s performance until age 37, at which point a larger
body mass has a negative effect on performance, then
, which includes the effects
of omitted variables like body mass, will be correlated with age from age 37 on,
thus violating the assumption about the error term. Another possibility is that there
may be “ageless wonders, who simply decline at slower rates as they age relative
to other players. These players will have positive values of
at older ages, and so
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will be correlated with age at older ages, again violating the assumption about
the error term. One check of the quantitative importance of these types of bias
is to examine the sensitivity of the results to the exclusion of older players. As
discussed in the next section, regressions were also run excluding players older
than 37. It will be seen that the results are not sensitive to this exclusion, and so
these potential biases do not appear large. Also, the results in Section 8 show that
the estimates are fairly stable using each half of the sample period.
One selection issue that is not a problem in the present model is the following.
Say that an older player is considering retiring, but in the current year he is doing
better than might be expected given his age—his error term is positive. He may
then choose to play another year, and so the next year will be in the sample. This
does not violate the assumption that age and the error term are uncorrelated as long
as the error term is not serially correlated. In this example, last year’s error affects
the decision to play this year, but this has no effect on this year’s error term, again
assuming no serial correlation.
One final issue concerns experience. If the improvement of a player up to the
peak-performance age is interpreted as the player gaining experience (as opposed
to, say, just getting physically better), this experience according to the assumptions
of the model comes with age, not with the number of years played in the major
leagues. A player coming into the major leagues at, say, age 26 is assumed to be
on the same age profile as an age-26 player who has been in the major leagues for
4 years. In other words, minor league experience must be assumed to be the same
as major league experience.
3 The Data
Yearly data on every player who played major league baseball from 1871 on are
available from http://baseball1.com. As noted in the Introduction, the period used
is 1921–2004 and only players who have played at least 10 full-time years in this
period are included in the sample, where a full-time year is a year in which a batter
played in at least 100 games and a pitcher pitched at least 450 outs. Almost all relief
pitchers are excluded from the sample because almost no relief pitcher pitches as
many as 450 outs in a year. The sample for batters included 5,596 observations
and 441 players, and the sample for pitchers included 1,809 observations and 144
players. These players are listed in Tables A.1 and A.2.
Players who are included in the sample may have played non full-time years,
but these years for the player are not in the sample. Players who played beyond
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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2004 are included in the sample if they have 10 full-time years from 2004 back.
Players who began playing prior to 1921 are included if they have 10 full-time years
from 1921 forward, but their observations prior to 1921 are not included even if
the observations are for full-time years because no observations before 1921 are
On-base percentage (OBP) is equal to (hits + bases on balls + hit by pitch)
divided by (at bats + bases on balls + hit by pitch + sacrifice flies). Slugging
percentage is equal to (hits + doubles + 2 times triples + 3 times home runs) divided
by at bats. OPS is equal to OBP + slugging percentage. Earned run average (ERA)
is equal to the number of earned runs allowed divided by (the number of outs made
divided by 27). These are all standard definitions. The age of the player was
computed as the year in question minus the player’s birth year.
Some alternative regressions were run to examine the sensitivity of the esti-
mates, and these are reported below. For batters the exclusion restrictions were
changed to 80 games rather than 100 and 8 years rather than 10. This gave 10,605
observations for 932 players. For pitchers the exclusion was changed to 8 years
rather than 10. This gave 2,775 observations for 260 players. Another change was
to drop all observations in which a player was older than 37 years (but keeping a
player in even if this resulted in fewer than 10 full-time years for the player). This
resulted in 5,308 observations for the 441 batters and 1,615 observations for the
144 pitchers.
4 The Results
All the estimates are presented in Table 1. The first set of three uses OPS, the
second set uses OBP, and the third set uses ERA. The first estimate for each set is
the basic estimate; the second estimate is for the larger number of observations; and
the third estimate excludes observations in which the player is over 37. Estimated
standard errors for the coefficient estimates are presented for the basic estimate for
each set. As noted above, the model is nonlinear in coefficients, and for present
purposes the DFP algorithm was used to obtain the estimates.
The implied values
This is a large nonlinear maximization problem. There are 444 coefficients to estimate: γ
, γ
δ, and the 441 dummy variable coefficients. These calculations were done using the Fair-Parke
program (2003). The standard errors of the coefficient estimates were computed as follows. Let
) = u
be the equation being estimated, where y
is the dependent variable, x
is the
vector of explanatory variables, α is the vector of coefficients to estimate, and u
is the error term.
j indexes the number of observations; assume that it runs from 1 to J. Let K be the dimension of
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Tab l e 1
Coefficient Estimates and Implied Aging Valu es
Estimate of #obs R
δ SE (#plys) 22 25 28 31 34 37 40
1 -0.001618 -0.000508 27.59 .0757 5596 -0.051 -0.011 0.000 -0.006 -0.021 -0.045 -0.078
(.000205) (.000021) (0.23) (441)
(2.28) (1.06) (-0.05) (-0.44) (-0.82) (-1.21) (-1.59)
2 -0.001617 -0.000550 27.60 .0758 10605
-0.051 -0.011 0.000 -0.006 -0.023 -0.049 -0.085
(932) (2.36) (1.10) (-0.06) (-0.49) (-0.92) (-1.35) (-1.78)
3 -0.001483 -0.000609 27.90 .0749 5308 -0.052 -0.012 0.000 -0.006 -0.023 -0.050 -0.089
(441) (2.20) (1.08) (-0.02) (-0.47) (-0.93) (-1.39) (-1.85)
1 -0.0005289 -0.0001495 28.30 .0276 5596 -0.021 -0.006 0.000 -0.001 -0.005 -0.011 -0.020
(.0000621) (.000074) (0.26) (441)
(1.88) (0.99) (0.09) (-0.23) (-0.48) (-0.73) (-0.99)
2 -0.0005252 -0.0001634 28.30 .0281 10605
-0.021 -0.006 0.000 -0.001 -0.005 -0.012 -0.022
(1.91) (1.00) (0.09) (-0.26) (-0.54) (-0.82) (-1.11)
3 -0.0005032 -0.0001742 28.50 .0271 5308
-0.021 -0.006 0.000 -0.001 -0.005 -0.013 -0.023
(1.84) (0.99) (0.14) (-0.25) (-0.54) (-0.83) (-1.13)
1 0.006520 0.002872 26.54 .6845 1809
0.134 0.015 0.006 0.057 0.160 0.314 0.520
(.005388) (.000658) (1.40) (144) (-1.69) (-0.57) (0.24) (0.73) (1.22) (1.72) (2.21)
2 0.021474 0.002265 24.00 .6910 2775 0.086 0.002 0.036 0.111 0.226 0.383 0.580
(-2.40) (0.13) (0.51) (0.89) (1.27) (1.64) (2.02)
3 0.011821 0.001926 25.20 .6848 1615 0.121 0.000 0.015 0.065 0.149 0.268 0.422
(-2.17) (-0.14) (0.31) (0.64) (0.97) (1.31) (1.64)
Standard errors are in parentheses for the coefficient estimates.
lines 1 and 3: 10 full-time years between 1921 and 2004; full-time year: 100 games for batters, 150 innings for pitchers.
lines 3: player observation excluded if player aged 38 or over.
lines 2: 8 full-time years between 1921 and 2004; full-time year: 80 games for batters, 150 innings for pitchers.
defined in equation (4); D
defined in equation (6).
Dummy variable included for each player. Dummy variable coefficient estimates presented in Table A.1 for OPS line 1
and OBP line 1 and in Table A.2 for ERA line 1 under the heading CNST.
The mean of all the observations (¯y in the text) is .793 OPS, line 1, .766 OPS, line 2, .795 OPS, line 3, .354 OBP, line 1,
.346 OPS, line 2, .355 OPS, line 3, 3.50 ERA, line 1, 3.58 ERA, line 2, 3.48 ERA, line 3.
ˆ ˆ
for R
and D
are presented for k equal to 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, and 40. Remember
that R
is the amount by which a player at age k is below his estimated peak and
that D
is roughly the percentage change in the performance measure at age k.
A general result in Table 1 is that the estimates are not sensitive to the increase
in the number of players (by using 8 years as the cutoff instead of 10 years and by
using for batters 80 games played in a year instead of 100) and to the exclusion
of observations in which the player was older than 37. Compare, for example, the
values of R
and D
for k = 40 in lines 1, 2, and 3 for each of the three measures.
The following discussion will thus concentrate on the basic estimate—line 1—for
each set.
α (K coefficients to estimate). Let G
be the K × J matrix whose jth column is ∂f(y
The estimated covariance matrix of ˆα is ˆσ
, where ˆσ
is the estimate of the variance of u
G is G evaluated at α = ˆα. For regression 1 for batters J is 5596 and K is 444. For regression
1 for pitchers J is 1809 and K is 147.
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Another general result in Table 1 is that the estimated rate of improvement
before the peak-performance age is larger than the estimated rate of decline after
the age. In other words, the learning curve at the beginning of a player’s career is
steeper than the declining curve after the peak-performance age.
Turning now to the basic estimates, for OPS δ is 27.6 years and by age 37 the
percentage rate of decline is 1.21 percent. For OBP the respective numbers are
28.3 years and 0.73 percent. The peak-performance ages are thus quite similar
for the two measures, but OPS declines somewhat more rapidly than OBP. To get
a sense of magnitudes, if a player’s peak OPS is 0.800 (the mean of OPS in the
sample is 0.793), then the -0.045 value for R
means that his predicted OPS at age
37 is 0.755, a decrease of 5.6 percent. Similarly, if a player’s peak OBP is 0.350
(the mean of OBP is the sample is 0.354), then the -0.011 value for R
means that
his predicted OBP at age 37 is 0.339, a decrease of 3.1 percent.
For ERA δ is 26.5 and by age 37 the percentage rate of decline is 1.72 percent.
If a pitcher’s peak ERA is 3.50 (the mean of ERA in the sample is 3.50), then the
0.314 value for R
means that his predicted ERA at age 37 is 3.814, an increase
of 9.0 percent. The estimated decline for pitchers is thus somewhat larger than for
batters, and the peak-performance age is slightly lower.
The precision of the estimates is fairly good, although better for batters than for
pitchers. The estimated standard error for the estimated peak-performance age is
0.23 years for OPS and 0.26 years for OBP. For ERA it is 1.40 years. The sample
period for pitchers is about a third the size of the period for batters, which at least
partly accounts for the less precision for pitchers.
5 Comparison to the Delta Approach
As discussed in the Introduction, the delta approach has been used to measure
aging effects. For example, Silver (2006, Table 7-3.4, p. 263) has used it for post
World War II batters and the EqR measure. To examine this approach further,
Table 2 presents estimated decline rates using the delta approach for the sample
of 441 batters used in this paper and the OBP measure. For example, there were
344 of the 441 batters who played full time when they were both 32 and 33. The
average OBP for this group was .3609 for age 32 and .3560 for age 33, which is
a decline of 1.36 percent. There were then 315 of the 441 batters who played full
time when they were both 33 and 34. The average OBP for this group was .3577
for age 33 and .3537 for age 34, which is a decline of 1.12 percent.
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Table 2
Estimated Decline Rates Using the Delta Approach
First Age Second Age
Ages # obs. OBP ave. OBP ave. % change
21–22 55 .3404 .3468 1.88
22–23 133 .3412 .3493 2.37
23–24 226 .3491 .3533 1.20
24–25 273 .3483 .3544 1.75
25–26 333 .3516 .3570 1.54
26–27 362 .3559 .3569 0.28
27–28 380 .3576 .3582 0.17
28–29 381 .3588 .3586 0.00
29–30 368 .3590 .3577 0.36
30–31 375 .3585 .3610 0.70
31–32 359 .3609 .3599 0.28
32–33 344 .3609 .3560 1.36
33–34 315 .3577 .3537 1.12
34–35 263 .3578 .3511 1.87
35–36 210 .3544 .3508 1.02
36–37 146 .3545 .3525 0.56
37–38 96 .3543 .3480 1.78
38–39 64 .3599 .3530 1.92
39–40 39 .3685 .3597 2.39
40–41 22 .3585 .3439 4.07
Comparing Tables 1 and 2, it is obvious that the decline rates are larger in
Table 2. In Table 1 for OBP, line 1, the decline rate is 0.48 percent for age 34,
0.73 percent for age 37, and 0.99 percent for age 40. In Table 2 the decline rate
is 1.87 percent for age 34, 1.78 percent for age 37, and 4.07 percent for age 40.
What can account for these large differences? A likely answer is that the delta
approach overestimates decline rates at the older ages—that the delta-approach
decline-rate estimates are biased. The reason is the following. First, note in Table
2 that the sample size drops fairly rapidly after age 32. Now consider a player
who is thinking about retiring and who has had a better than average year for him.
“Better-than-average” means that his error term in equation (1) is positive. This
is likely to increase the chances that he chooses to play the next year. If players’
error terms are uncorrelated across years, then a positive error in one year does not
increase the chances of a positive error the next year. Our player is expected to
have an average year (for him) the next year—an expected zero error term. If it
turns out that he in fact has an average (or below average) year, this may lead him to
retire at the end of the season. So error terms for players in their penultimate year
are likely to be on average higher than the error terms in their last year. Players
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
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don’t retire as often when error terms are large. The delta approach will thus be
biased at the older ages because the paired sample that is used will have on average
larger errors for the younger of the two ages.
This bias can in fact been seen in the sample used in this paper. Of the 441
batters in the sample, 401 had retired. The average of the error terms for the
last observation for each of these 401 players, using the error terms for the OBP
regression in Table 1, line 1, is 0.00954, which is smaller than the average of the
error terms from the second-to-last observation of 0.00448. (The last observation
in the sample for a player is usually the year in which he retired.) So there is
evidence that a player’s error term is lower in the year in which he retires than in
the year before he retires, thus leading the delta approach to be biased. Comparing
the estimates in Tables 1 and 2 suggests that the bias is quite large.
6 Unusual Age-Performance Profiles
Since there is a dummy variable for each player, the sum of a player’s residuals
across the years that he played is zero. Under the assumption that the errors,
are iid, they should lie randomly around the age-performance curve in Figure 1 for
each player. It is interesting to see if there are players whose patterns are noticeably
different. For example, if a player got better with age, contrary to the assumptions
of the model, one would see in Figure 1 large negative residuals at the young ages
and large positive residuals at the old ages.
Using OPS regression 1 in Table 1, the following procedure was followed to
choose players who have a pattern of large positive residuals in the second half
of their careers. First, all residuals greater than one standard error (.0757) were
recorded. Then a player was chosen if he had four or more of these residuals from
age 28, the estimated peak-performance age, on. There were a total of 17 such
players. In addition, for reasons discussed below, Rafael Palmeiro was chosen,
giving a total of 18 players. The age-performance results for these players are
presented in Table 3. The residuals in bold are greater than one standard error. The
players are listed in alphabetic order except for Palmeiro, who is listed last.
The most remarkable performance by far in Table 3 is that of Barry Bonds.
Three of his last four residuals (ages 37–40) are the largest in the sample period, and
the last one is 5.5 times the estimated standard error of the equation. Not counting
Bonds, Sammy Sosa has the largest residual (age 33, 2001) and Luis Gonzalez
has the second largest (age 34, 2001). Mark McGwire has three residuals that are
larger than two standard errors (age 33, 1996; age 35, 1998; age 36, 1999). Larry
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Table 3
Age-Performance Results for Eighteen Players: OPS
Yea r Age Pred. Act. Resid. Year Age Pred. Act. Resid.
Albert Belle Bob Boone
1991 25 0.946 0.863 -0.083 1973 26 0.700 0.675 -0.025
1992 26 0.952 0.797 -0.155 1974 27 0.704 0.617 -0.087
1993 27 0.956 0.922 -0.034 1976 29 0.703 0.713 0.010
1994 28 0.956 1.152 0.196 1977 30 0.701 0.780 0.079
1995 29 0.955 1.091 0.136 1978
31 0.698 0.772 0.074
1996 30 0.954 1.033 0.079 1979 32 0.694 0.789 0.094
1997 31 0.951 0.823 -0.128
1980 33 0.689 0.637 -0.052
1998 32 0.947 1.055 0.108 1982 35 0.676 0.647 -0.029
1999 33 0.942 0.941 0.000 1983 36 0.668 0.641 -0.027
2000 34 0.936 0.817 -0.119
1984 37 0.659 0.504 -0.155
1985 38 0.649 0.623 -0.026
1986 39 0.638 0.593 -0.046
1987 40 0.626 0.615 -0.011
1988 41 0.613 0.739 0.126
1989 42 0.599 0.675 0.076
Barry Bonds Ken Caminiti
1986 22 1.035 0.746 -0.289
1989 26 0.803 0.685 -0.118
1987 23 1.051 0.821 -0.231
1990 27 0.807 0.611 -0.196
1988 24 1.065 0.859 -0.206
1991 28 0.807 0.695 -0.113
1989 25 1.075 0.777 -0.298
1992 29 0.807 0.790 -0.016
1990 26 1.081 0.970 -0.111
1993 30 0.805 0.711 -0.093
1991 27 1.085 0.924 -0.161
1994 31 0.802 0.847 0.046
1992 28 1.085 1.080 -0.006 1995 32 0.798 0.894 0.096
1993 29 1.084 1.136 0.051 1996
33 0.793 1.028 0.236
1994 30 1.083 1.073 -0.009
1997 34 0.787 0.897 0.110
1995 31 1.080 1.009 -0.071
1998 35 0.780 0.862 0.082
1996 32 1.076 1.076 0.000 2001
38 0.753 0.719 -0.033
1997 33 1.071 1.031 -0.040
1998 34 1.065 1.047 -0.018
1999 35 1.058 1.006 -0.051
2000 36 1.050 1.127 0.078
2001 37 1.041 1.379 0.338
2002 38 1.031 1.381 0.350
2003 39 1.019 1.278 0.258
2004 40 1.007 1.422 0.414
Chili Davis Dwight Evans
1982 22 0.786 0.719 -0.067 1973 22 0.806 0.703 -0.103
1983 23 0.802 0.657 -0.145 1974 23 0.823 0.756 -0.067
1984 24 0.816 0.875 0.059 1975 24 0.836 0.809 -0.027
1985 25 0.825 0.761 -0.065 1976 25 0.846 0.755 -0.091
1986 26 0.832 0.791 -0.041 1978 27 0.856 0.784 -0.072
1987 27 0.836 0.786 -0.049 1979 28 0.857 0.820 -0.036
1988 28 0.836 0.757 -0.079 1980 29 0.856 0.842 -0.014
1989 29 0.835 0.775 -0.060 1981 30 0.854 0.937 0.083
1990 30 0.833 0.755 -0.078 1982 31 0.851 0.936 0.085
1991 31 0.830 0.892 0.062 1983 32 0.847 0.774 -0.072
1992 32 0.827 0.825 -0.002 1984 33 0.842 0.920 0.078
1993 33 0.822 0.767 -0.055 1985 34 0.836 0.832 -0.004
1994 34 0.816 0.971 0.156 1986 35 0.829 0.853 0.024
1995 35 0.809 0.943 0.135 1987
36 0.821 0.986 0.166
1996 36 0.801 0.884 0.083 1988 37 0.812 0.861 0.050
1997 37 0.791 0.896 0.104 1989 38 0.802 0.861 0.059
1999 39 0.770 0.812 0.041 1990 39 0.791 0.740 -0.051
1991 40 0.779 0.771 -0.007
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
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Table 3 (continued)
Yea r Age Pred. Act. Resid. Year Age Pred. Act. Resid.
Steve Finley Julio Franco
1990 25 0.801 0.632 -0.169
1983 25 0.824 0.693 -0.131
1991 26 0.808 0.737 -0.071 1984 26 0.831 0.679 -0.152
1992 27 0.811 0.762 -0.049 1985 27 0.834 0.723 -0.111
1993 28 0.812 0.689 -0.123 1986 28 0.835 0.760 -0.074
1995 30 0.809 0.786 -0.023 1987 29 0.834 0.818 -0.016
1996 31 0.806 0.885 0.079 1988
30 0.832 0.771 -0.061
1997 32 0.802 0.788 -0.014 1989 31 0.829 0.848 0.019
1998 33 0.797 0.702 -0.096
1990 32 0.825 0.785 -0.040
1999 34 0.791 0.861 0.070 1991 33 0.820 0.882 0.062
2000 35 0.784 0.904 0.120 1993 35 0.807 0.798 -0.009
2001 36 0.776 0.767 -0.009
1994 36 0.799 0.916 0.117
2002 37 0.767 0.869 0.102 1996 38 0.780 0.877 0.097
2003 38 0.757 0.863 0.105 1997
39 0.769 0.730 -0.039
2004 39 0.746 0.823 0.077 2002
44 0.698 0.739 0.040
2003 45 0.681 0.824 0.143
2004 46 0.663 0.818 0.155
Gary Gaetti Andres Galarraga
1982 24 0.744 0.723 -0.021
1986 25 0.866 0.743 -0.123
1983 25 0.754 0.724 -0.030
1987 26 0.873 0.821 -0.052
1984 26 0.761 0.665 -0.095
1988 27 0.876 0.893 0.017
1985 27 0.764 0.710 -0.054
1989 28 0.877 0.761 -0.116
1986 28 0.765 0.865 0.101 1990
29 0.876 0.715 -0.161
1987 29 0.764 0.788 0.024 1991
30 0.874 0.604 -0.270
1988 30 0.762 0.905 0.143 1993 32 0.867 1.005 0.138
1989 31 0.759 0.690 -0.069
1994 33 0.862 0.949 0.087
1990 32 0.755 0.650 -0.105
1995 34 0.856 0.842 -0.014
1991 33 0.750 0.672 -0.078
1996 35 0.849 0.958 0.109
1992 34 0.744 0.610 -0.134
1997 36 0.841 0.974 0.133
1993 35 0.737 0.738 0.001 1998
37 0.832 0.991 0.159
1995 37 0.720 0.846 0.126 2000
39 0.811 0.895 0.084
1996 38 0.710 0.799 0.090 2001
40 0.799 0.784 -0.014
1997 39 0.699 0.710 0.011 2002 41 0.785 0.738 -0.047
1998 40 0.687 0.852 0.165 2003
42 0.771 0.841 0.069
1999 41 0.673 0.599 -0.074
Charlie Gehringer Luis Gonzalez
1926 23 0.862 0.721 -0.141 1991 24 0.842 0.753 -0.088
1927 24 0.875 0.824 -0.052 1992 25 0.852 0.674 -0.177
1928 25 0.885 0.846 -0.039 1993 26 0.858 0.818 -0.040
1929 26 0.892 0.936 0.045 1994 27 0.862 0.782 -0.080
1930 27 0.895 0.938 0.043 1995 28 0.862 0.812 -0.051
1931 28 0.896 0.790 -0.106 1996 29 0.861 0.797 -0.065
1932 29 0.895 0.867 -0.028 1997 30 0.859 0.722 -0.138
1933 30 0.893 0.862 -0.031 1998 31 0.857 0.816 -0.041
1934 31 0.890 0.967 0.077 1999 32 0.853 0.952 0.099
1935 32 0.886 0.911 0.025 2000 33 0.848 0.935 0.088
1936 33 0.881 0.987 0.106 2001 34 0.842 1.117 0.275
1937 34 0.875 0.978 0.102 2002 35 0.835 0.896 0.061
1938 35 0.868 0.911 0.043 2003
36 0.827 0.934 0.107
1939 36 0.860 0.967 0.107 2004 37 0.818 0.866 0.048
1940 37 0.851 0.875 0.024
1941 38 0.841 0.666 -0.175
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Table 3 (continued)
Yea r Age Pred. Act. Resid. Year Age Pred. Act. Resid.
Mark McGwire Paul Molitor
1987 24 0.981 0.987 0.007 1978 22 0.805 0.673 -0.132
1988 25 0.991 0.830 -0.161 1979 23 0.822 0.842 0.020
1989 26 0.997 0.806 -0.191 1980 24 0.835 0.809 -0.025
1990 27 1.001 0.859 -0.142 1982 26 0.851 0.816 -0.035
1991 28 1.002 0.714 -0.288
1983 27 0.855 0.743 -0.112
1992 29 1.001 0.970 -0.031 1985 29 0.855 0.764 -0.091
1995 32 0.992 1.125 0.134 1986 30 0.853 0.765 -0.087
1996 33 0.987 1.198 0.211 1987 31 0.850 1.003 0.153
1997 34 0.981 1.039 0.058 1988
32 0.846 0.836 -0.010
1998 35 0.974 1.222 0.249 1989
33 0.841 0.818 -0.023
1999 36 0.966 1.120 0.155 1990
34 0.835 0.807 -0.028
1991 35 0.828 0.888 0.060
1992 36 0.820 0.851 0.031
1993 37 0.811 0.911 0.101
1994 38 0.801 0.927 0.127
1995 39 0.790 0.772 -0.017
1996 40 0.778 0.858 0.081
1997 41 0.764 0.786 0.022
1998 42 0.750 0.718 -0.033
Sammy Sosa B.J. Surhoff
1990 22 0.854 0.687 -0.167
1987 23 0.732 0.773 0.041
1991 23 0.870 0.576 -0.294
1988 24 0.745 0.611 -0.134
1993 25 0.893 0.794 -0.099
1989 25 0.755 0.626 -0.129
1994 26 0.900 0.884 -0.016
1990 26 0.762 0.706 -0.056
1995 27 0.904 0.840 -0.063
1991 27 0.766 0.691 -0.075
1996 28 0.904 0.888 -0.016
1992 28 0.766 0.635 -0.131
1997 29 0.903 0.779 -0.124 1993 29 0.765 0.709 -0.056
1998 30 0.901 1.024 0.122 1995
31 0.760 0.870 0.109
1999 31 0.898 1.002 0.103 1996
32 0.756 0.834 0.078
2000 32 0.894 1.040 0.145 1997
33 0.751 0.803 0.052
2001 33 0.889 1.174 0.285 1998
34 0.745 0.789 0.044
2002 34 0.883 0.993 0.110 1999
35 0.738 0.839 0.101
2003 35 0.876 0.911 0.035 2000 36 0.730 0.787 0.057
2004 36 0.868 0.849 -0.020 2001 37 0.721 0.726 0.004
2004 40 0.688 0.785 0.097
Larry Walker Rafael Palmeiro
1990 24 0.967 0.761 -0.207
1988 24 0.893 0.785 -0.108
1991 25 0.977 0.807 -0.170 1989 25 0.903 0.728 -0.175
1992 26 0.984 0.859 -0.125 1990 26 0.910 0.829 -0.081
1993 27 0.988 0.841 -0.147 1991 27 0.914 0.922 0.008
1994 28 0.988 0.981 -0.007 1992 28 0.914 0.786 -0.128
1995 29 0.987 0.988 0.001 1993 29 0.913 0.926 0.013
1997 31 0.982 1.172 0.189 1994 30 0.911 0.942 0.031
1998 32 0.978 1.075 0.096 1995 31 0.908 0.963 0.055
1999 33 0.974 1.168 0.195 1996 32 0.904 0.927 0.023
2001 35 0.961 1.111 0.151 1997 33 0.899 0.815 -0.085
2002 36 0.952 1.023 0.071 1998 34 0.893 0.945 0.051
2003 37 0.943 0.898 -0.046 1999 35 0.886 1.050 0.164
2000 36 0.878 0.954 0.076
2001 37 0.869 0.944 0.075
2002 38 0.859 0.962 0.103
2003 39 0.848 0.867 0.019
2004 40 0.836 0.796 -0.040
Act. = actual OPS, Pred. = predicted OPS, Resid. = Act. - Pred.
Resid. sums to zero across time for each player.
Valu e s of Resid. greater than one standard error are in bold.
Equation is OPS line 1 in Table 1. Standard error is .0757.
Resid. in 2001 for Palmeiro is .0750.
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
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Walker has two residuals that are larger than two standard errors (age 31, 1997;
age 33, 1999) and one that is nearly two standard errors (age 35, 2001). Aside
from the players just mentioned, 8 other players have one residual greater than two
standard errors: Albert Belle (age 28, 1994), Ken Caminiti (age 33, 1996), Chili
Davis (age 34, 1994), Dwight Evans (age 36, 1987), Julio Franco (age 46, 2004),
Gary Gaetti (age 40, 1998), Andres Galarraga (age 37, 1998), and Paul Molitor
(age 31, 1987).
There are only 3 players in Table 3 who did not play more than half their
careers in the 1990s and beyond: Bob Boone (1973–1989), Dwight Evans (1973–
1991), and Charlie Gehringer (1926–1941). Remember that the period searched
was 1921–2004, so this concentration is unusual. An obvious question is whether
performance-enhancing drugs had anything to do with this concentration. In 2005
Palmeiro tested positively for steroids, and so it is of interest to see what his age-
performance results look like. He is listed last in Table 3. Palmeiro’s pattern looks
similiar to that of many of the others in the table. He has three residuals greater
than one standard error in the second half of his career, one of these greater than
two standard errors (age 35, 1999; age 36, 2000; age 38, 2002). In addition, his
residual in 2001 was .0750, which is very close to the standard error of .0757. He
was thus very close to being chosen the way the other players were. No other
players were this close to being chosen.
Since there is no direct information about drug use in the data used in this
paper, Table 3 can only be interpreted as showing patterns for some players that
are consistent with such use, not confirming such use. The patterns do not appear
strong for the three pre-1990 players: Boone, Evans, and Gehringer. For the other
players, some have their large residuals spread out more than others. The most
spread out are those for Gaetti, Molitor, and Surhoff. Regarding Galarraga, four of
his six large residuals occurred when he was playing for Colorado (1993–1997).
Walker played for Colorado between 1995 and 2003, and his four large residuals
all occurred in this period. Colorado has a very hitter-friendly ball park. Regarding
the results in Table 3, there are likely to be different views on which of the patterns
seem most suspicious, especially depending on how one weights other information
and views about the players. This is not pursued further here.
From the perspective of this paper, the unusual patterns in Table 3 do not fit the
model well and thus are not encouraging for the model. On the other hand, there
are only at most about 15 players out of the 441 in the sample for which this is
true. Even star players like Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Rogers Hornsby, and Lou
Gehrig do not show systematic patterns. In this sense the model works well, with
only a few key exceptions.
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7 Comparison to Other Events
In Fair (2007) rates of decline were estimated for various athletic events and for
chess. Deterioration rates were estimated from age 35 on using world records
by age. Given the results in Table 1, one way to compare the present results to
the earlier ones is to compute what percent is lost by age 40 in each event. For
example, for OPS in line 1, the percent lost is .078 divided by the mean (.793),
which is 9.8 percent. For OPB in line 1, the percent lost is .020 divided by .354,
which is 5.6 percent. Finally, for ERA in line 1, the percent lost is .520 divided by
3.50, which is 14.9 percent. As discussed in Section 4, pitchers are estimated to
decline more rapidly than batters.
The above three percents can be compared to the percents for the other events.
This is done in Table 4. The results for the other events are taken from Table 3
in Fair (2007). Two ways of comparing the results are presented in Table 4. The
first is simply to list the percent lost by age 40 for each event. The second is to
take, say, the 9.8 percent at age 40 for OPS and list the age at which this percent is
reached for each of the other events. This second way is done for OPS, OBP, and
It should be kept in mind that the percent declines for the other events are
declines from age 35. If decline in fact starts before age 35, as it is estimated to do
for baseball, then the percents for the other events are too low.
The events are listed in the notes to Table 4. The rates of decline for baseball
are larger than they are for the other events. For OBP, non-sprint running (“Run”),
and the high jump, the results are not too far apart: 5.6 percent versus 4.1 percent
and 4.5 percent, with Run and the high jump being only 2 years ahead of OBP
(42 years versus 40). The rate of decline for Sprint is smaller, even smaller for
the swimming events, and very small for chess. The most extreme case is ERA
versus Chess1, where the 14.9 percent decline for ERA at age 40 is not reached
until age 85 for chess! Remember, however, that the ERA results are based on a
smaller sample than the OPS and OBP results, and so the 14.9 percent figure is
less reliable than the others. Nevertheless, other things being equal, chess players
do seem to have a considerable advantage over pitchers.
The estimates for the other events have the advantage of being based on age
records up to very old ages, in some cases up to age 100. Because of the way
professional baseball works, it is not possible to get trustworthy estimates at ages
The aging estimates in Fair (2007) are not affected if decline starts before age 35. The estimates
just require that decline has begun by age 35. Although the first age of decline is not estimated, for
the events considered in the paper there does not appear to be much decline before age 35.
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
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Table 4
Comparison of Aging Effects Across Events
Age at Age at Age at
% loss at 9.8% 5.6% 14.9%
age 40 loss loss loss
OPS 9.8 40
OBP 5.6 40
ERA 14.9 40
Sprint 3.0 51 45 59
Run 4.1 47 42 53
High Jump 4.5 46 42 51
M50 2.1 57 48 68
M100 2.5 54 46 63
M200+ 1.8 59 50 64
Chess1 0.9 79 64 85
Chess2 0.8 71 63 78
Sprint = 100, 200, and 400 meter track.
Run = all running except 100, 200, and
400 meter track.
M50 = 50 meter and yard swimming events.
M100 = 100 meter and yard swimming events.
M200+ = all other swimming events.
Chess1 = Chess, best rating.
Chess2 = Chess, second best rating.
Non baseball results taken from Table 3 in
Fair (2007).
much beyond 40. In events like running and swimming people of all ages can
participate. An elite runner, for example, can continue to run even when he (or
she) is past the age at which he has any chance of placing in the top group. There
are thus many observations on performances of old elite runners. This is not true of
professional baseball, where once a player is out of the top group, he is not allowed
to play. (Even Roger Clemens is not likely to be playing when he is 60.) There
is thus no way of estimating the rate of decline of professional baseball players
beyond the age of about 40. It may be if players were allowed to play into old age,
their rates of decline would not be much different from those in, say, running or
the high jump, but this cannot be tested.
It is interesting to speculate why rates of decline might be larger in baseball.
One possibility is that baseball skills, like fast hand/eye coordination and bat speed,
decline faster than skills in the other events. Another possibility is that this reflects
players’ responses to the fact that once they are out of the top group they can’t play.
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Assume that a player has some choice of his age-performance profile. Assume in
particular that he can choose curve A or B in Figure 2, where, contrary to the
assumptions of the model, neither curve is quadratic after the peak-performance
age. The two curves reflect a trade-off between yearly performances and decline
rates. It may be, as in curve A, that a player can stay near his peak-performance
value for a number of years after his peak-performance age, but at a cost of faster
bodily deterioration later. An alternative strategy may be, as in curve B, not to push
as hard after the peak-performance age and have a slower decline rate. If bmin
in Figure 2 is the minimum performance level for a player to stay in the major
leagues, then the player is forced to retire at age k
if he chooses curve A and at
age k
if he chooses curve B. Which curve a player chooses if he is maximizing
career income depends on the wage rate paid at each performance level.
Now say that the wage rate is simply proportional to the performance measure
and that curves A and B are such that the player is indifferent between them. If
bmin is then lowered to bmin
, it is clear that the player will now prefer B to
A since the added area under B between k
and k
is greater than that under A
between k
and k
. There is thus an incentive to choose flatter age-performance
profiles as the minimum performance level is lowered. If this level is lower for
the other events than it is for baseball, this could explain at least part of the larger
estimated decline rates for baseball.
If players do have some choice over their age-performance profile,the estimates
in this paper reflect this choice, although, contrary to the curves in Figure 2, the
functional form is restricted to be quadratic. The assumption of the model that
, β
, γ
, γ
, and δ are the same for all players is stronger in this case because it
reflects the assumption that players all make the same choice.
8 Possible Changes Over Time
The regressions in Table 1 span a period of 84 years, a period in which a number
of important changes occurred in baseball. Mention has already been made of the
designated hitter rule in the American League. Another change is that beginning in
the early 1970s, the reserve clause was eliminated and players got more bargaining
power. Under the reserve clause, most contracts were one-year contracts, and
players were required to negotiate with their current team. The main bargaining
weapon of players was to hold out. After the reserve clause was eliminated, many
contracts became multi year and players had more freedom to move around. This
all resulted in a larger fraction of baseball revenues going to the players. There
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
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Figure 2
Alternative Age-Performance Profiles
1 1
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may also have been technical progress over this period, with advances in medical
procedures, increased training knowledge, and the like.
It is thus of interest to see if the coefficient estimates in Table 1 are stable
over time. The sample was divided into two periods, the first consisting of players
who began playing in the major leagues in 1965 or earlier and the second of those
who began playing in 1966 or later. For batters, the first period consisted of 212
players and 2674 observations and the second consisted of 229 players and 2922
observations. For pitchers, there were 65 players and 807 observations in the first
period and 79 players and 1002 observations in the second. The first equation for
each of the three performance measures in Table 1 was tested. A χ
test was made
of the hypothesis that the coefficients are the same in the two periods. There are 3
degrees of freedom, since 6 age coefficients are estimated instead of 3. The critical
value is 7.83 at the 95 percent confidence level and 11.34 at the 99 percent level.
For OBP the χ
value is 1.72, and so the stability hypothesis is not rejected.
For OPS the results are somewhat sensitive to whether Barry Bonds and Mark
McGwire are included. With the two included the χ
value is 12.72, and so the
stability hypothesis is rejected at the 99 percent level. When the two are not
included, the χ
value is 11.13, and so the stability hypothesis is rejected at the
95 percent level but not the 99 percent level. For ERA the χ
value is 17.15, a
rejection at the 99 percent level.
The results are thus mixed, especially considering that the ERA results are
less reliable because of the smaller sample sizes. It is the case, however, that the
estimates using the second period only imply lower decline rates than those in
Table 4 for all three measures of performance. For OPS the percent loss at age
40 is 6.5 percent instead of 9.8 percent. For OBP the loss is 4.0 percent instead
of 5.6 percent. For ERA the loss is 12.9 percent instead of 14.9 percent. The
4.0 percent figure for OBP is now close to the figures for Run and High Jump in
Table 4: 4.1 percent and 4.5 percent.
If the decline rates in baseball are now smaller than they used to be, this could
simply be due to technical progress mentioned above. If, for example, curve A
in Figure 2 is shifted to the right from the peak-performance age, the cumulative
decline at any given age will be smaller. This may be all that is going on. However,
if, as discussed in Section 6, players have the option of choosing different age-
performance profiles, an interesting question is whether the elimination of the
reserve clause has led them, other things being equal, to choose a profile with a
smaller decline rate? Quirk and Fort (1992, pp. 235–239) show that the salary
distribution in baseball has gotten more unequal with the elimination of the reserve
clause. This, however, works in the wrong direction regarding decline rates. If the
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relative reward to doing well has increased, this should, other things being equal,
lead to players choosing curve A over curve B in Figure 2, since curve A has more
years of very high performance than does curve B. So it is unclear whether the
elimination of the reserve clause has anything to do with a fall in the decline rate.
A related question is why teams moved in the more recent period to a five-man
pitching rotation from a four-man rotation, thus possibly decreasing the decline
rate for pitchers. Has this something to do with the change in structure in the
1970s? These are left as open questions. The main result here is that there is some
evidence of slightly smaller decline rates in the second half of the 84-year period,
but the rates are still generally larger than those for the other events.
9 Ranking of Players
As noted in the Introduction, the regressions can be used to rank players on the
basis of the size of the estimated dummy variable coefficients. Each player has his
own estimated constant term. The 441 batters are ranked in Table A.1, and the 144
pitchers are ranked in Table A.2. Remember that a player is in the sample if he has
played 10 or more full-time years between 1921 and 2004, where “full time” is
defined as 100 or more games per year for batters and 450 or more outs for pitchers.
In Table A.1 batters are ranked by the size of the player constant terms in the basic
OPS regression—OPS line 1 in Table 1. The constant terms are denoted “CNST.”
Each player’s lifetime OPS is also presented for comparison purposes along with
his ranking using this measure. Table A.1 also presents the player constant terms
in the basic OBP regression—OBP line 1 in Table 1—and each player’s lifetime
OBP. In Table A.2 pitchers are ranked by the size of the player constant terms in
the basic ERA regression—ERA line 1 in Table 1. Each player’s lifetime ERA is
also presented for comparison purposes along with his ranking using this measure.
A number of caveats are in order before discussing these tables. Baseball
aficionados have strong feelings about who is better than whom, and it is important
to be clear on what criterion is being used in the present ranking. First, what counts
in the present ranking is the performance of a player in his full-time years, not all
years. (The lifetime values also presented in the tables are for all years, not just
full-time years.) Second, the present ranking adjusts for age effects. A player’s
dummy variable coefficient determines the position of his graph in Figure 1, and
the present ranking is simply a ranking by the height of the player’s graph in this
figure. Lifetime values do not account for possible differences in ages played.
The present ranking thus answers the following question: How good was player i
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age corrected when he played full time? The population consists of players who
played full time for 10 or more years between 1921 and 2004.
A useful way to think about the present ranking is to consider when a player will
be ranked higher in the present ranking than in the lifetime ranking. One possibility
is that his performance when he played part time was on average worse than when
he played full time, possibly because he was injured. The present ranking does not
use part time performances, but lifetime values do. Another possibility, focusing
only on full-time years,is that he played full time much longer than average and thus
played more years beyond the peak-performance age. The present ranking adjusts
for this, but lifetime values do not. Therefore, whether one likes the present ranking
depends on the question he or she is interested in. If one feels that performances
during part-time years should count, the present ranking is not relevant. Also, of
course, if one does not want to adjust for age differences, the present ranking is
not relevant.
As a final point before turning to the rankings, issues like ball park differences
and the designated hitter rule in the American League are more important potential
problems in the ranking of players than they are in the estimation of aging effects
in Table 1. Consider a pitcher who pitched his entire life in the American League
under the designated hitter rule. If because of this he had on average larger ERAs
than he would have had in the National League, this does not matter in the estima-
tion of aging effects. It just means that his constant term is larger than otherwise.
The assumption upon which the estimation is based is that aging effects are the
same between the two leagues, not that the players’ constant terms are. However,
in ranking players by the size of their constant terms, it does matter if the desig-
nated hitter rule leads to larger ERAs in the American League, since the estimated
constant terms are affected by this. Likewise, if a batter played in a hitter-friendly
ball park his entire career, this will affect his constant term but not the estimated
aging coefficients. It should thus be kept in mind that the present ranking does not
take into account issues like ball park differences and the designated hitter rule and
this may be important in some cases.
Turning now to Table A.1, for OPS the ranking is Babe Ruth 1 and Ted Williams
2 using both CNST and Lifetime. The order is reversed using OBP. A real winner
in the table is Henry Heilmann, who ranks 8 using CNST for both OPS and OBP.
The Lifetime rankings, however, are 25 and 16, respectively. Heilmann played
14 full-time years, 4 of them before 1921. It turns out that he did noticeably
better beginning in 1921 (the live ball?). He is thus ranked higher using CNST
than Lifetime since CNST counts only performances from 1921 on. Apparently
he was a very nice person, possessing “many virtues, including loyalty, kindness,
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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tolerance and generosity.”
Most of the large differences between the CNST and Lifetime rankings can
be traced to the length of the player’s career. For example, for OPS Ralph Kiner
is ranked 19 using Lifetime but only 27 using CNST. Kiner played exactly 10
years (all full time), ages 24-33, which is below average regarding the number of
years played beyond the peak-performance age (27.59 for OPS). Thus his lifetime
performance is more impressive than his performance age corrected. On the other
side, for OPS Carl Yastrzems ki is ranked 75 using CNST but only 99 using Lifetime.
Yastrzemski played 23 years, ages 22-44, all but age 42 full time, which is way
above average regarding the number of years played both before and after the
peak-performance age. Remember, however, that not all the differences between
the CNST and Lifetime rankings are due to length-of-career differences. Some
are due to the different treatments of part-time and full-time performances, where
Lifetime counts part-time years and CNST does not.
There are large differences between the OPS rankings and the OBP rankings
for both CNST and Lifetime. Using CNST, Manny Ramirez is 7 OPS and 15 OBP,
Mark McGwire is 11 OPS and 41 OBP, Willy Mays 19 OPS and 56 OBP, Ken
Griffey Jr. 20 OPS and 72 OBP, Hank Aaron 22 OPS and 87 OBP, Albert Belle
25 OPS and 121 OBP, and so on. On the other side, Edgar Martinez is 9 OBP and
17 OPS, Mickey Cochrane is 13 OBP and 45 OPS, Jackie Robinson is 23 OBP
and 60 OPS, Arky Va ug han is 18 OBP and 67 OPS, Wade Boggs is 16 OBP and
82 OPS, and so on. Within OBP, the differences between CNST and Lifetime are
similar to those within OPS.
Pitchers are ranked in Table A.2. Similar considerations apply here as applied
for batters. Whitey Ford ranks first in both rankings. Mike Cuellar ranks 5 using
CNST but 14 using Lifetime. Cuellar played 10 full-time years, ages 29-38, which
is above average regarding the number of years played after the peak-performance
age (26.54 for ERA). Thus, age corrected (i.e., using CNST), he looks better.
Even more extreme is Phil Niekro, who ranks 10 CNST and 48 Lifetime. Niekro
pitched 24 years, ages 25-48, with all but ages 25, 26, 27, 42, and 48 being full time.
This is way above average regarding the number of years played after the peak-
performance age, and so age correcting his performance makes a big difference.
On the other side, Juan Marichal ranks 4 Lifetime but only 11 CNST. Marichal
played 13 full-time years, ages 24-36, which is somewhat below average regarding
the number of years played after the peak-performance age. Hal Newhouser ranks
9 Lifetime but only 18 CNST. He played 11 full-time years, ages 20-31 except for
Ira Smith, Baseball’s Famous Outfielders, as quoted in James (2001), p. 798.
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age 30. Another noticeable case is Steve Rogers, who ranks 17 Lifetime but only
46 CNST. He played 11 full-time years, ages 25-35. (Sandy Koufax is not in the
rankings because he played only 9 full-time years.)
Hopefully the rankings in Tables A.1 and A.2 will serve as food for thought
for baseball fans.
10 Conclusion
The estimated aging effects in Table 1 are based on the sample of players who played
10 or more full-time years in the major leagues between 1921 and 2004. The peak-
performance age is around 28 for batters and 26 for pitchers. The (percentage)
rates of decline after the peak-performance age are greater for pitchers than for
batters and greater for OPS than for OBP. Overall, the estimated rates of decline are
modest, although even a small decline in a highly competitive sport like baseball
can be important. Table 4 shows that the losses in baseball are larger than the
losses in track and field, running, and swimming events and considerably larger
than the losses in chess. The results reported in Section 8 suggest that decline rates
in baseball may have decreased slightly in the more recent period. The results in
Section 7 show that there are 18 batters whose performances in the second half of
their careers noticeably exceed what the model predicts they should have been. All
but 3 of these players played from 1990 on. It is not possible from the data used
in this study to determine whether any of these performances are due to illegal
drug use. From the perspective of evaluating the model used in this paper it is
encouraging that there are only 18 batters out of 441 who deviate noticeably from
the model’s predictions.
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Table A.1
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Babe Ruth 1 0.822 1 1.164 2 0.368 2 0.474
Ted Williams 2 0.756 2 1.115 1 0.371 1 0.482
Rogers Hornsby 3 0.718 6 1.010 3
0.341 5 0.434
Lou Gehrig 4 0.706 3 1.080 4 0.332 3 0.447
Barry Bonds 5 0.699 4 1.053 5
0.329 4 0.443
Jimmie Foxx 6 0.668 5 1.038 7 0.315 7 0.428
Manny Ramirez 7 0.649 7 1.010 15 0.301 14 0.411
Harry Heilmann 8 0.638 25 0.930 6
0.321 16 0.409
Frank Thomas 9 0.628 8 0.996 8 0.314 6 0.429
Jim Thome 10 0.626 10 0.979 14
0.301 15 0.410
Mark McGwire 11 0.615 9 0.982 41
0.279 36 0.394
Mickey Mantle 12 0.613 11 0.977 10 0.309 8 0.420
Stan Musial 13 0.612 13 0.976 12
0.302 11 0.417
Joe DiMaggio 14 0.606 12 0.977 30
0.283 29 0.398
Larry Walker 15 0.602 14 0.969 26
0.286 24 0.401
Mel Ott 16 0.598 17 0.947 11 0.308 13 0.414
Edgar Martinez 17 0.595 24 0.933 9
0.311 10 0.418
Johnny Mize 18 0.590 15 0.959 27
0.286 32 0.397
Willie Mays 19 0.587 20 0.941 56
0.274 62 0.384
Ken Griffey Jr. 20 0.584 22 0.937 72
0.269 85 0.377
Jeff Bagwell 21 0.582 16 0.951 21
0.293 18 0.408
Hank Aaron 22 0.578 26 0.928 87
0.265 100 0.374
Gary Sheffield 23 0.577 28 0.928 20
0.293 26 0.400
Mike Piazza 24 0.576 18 0.947 69 0.269 59 0.386
Albert Belle 25 0.570 23 0.933 121
0.256 121 0.369
Frank Robinson 26 0.561 29 0.926 45
0.277 48 0.389
Ralph Kiner 27 0.559 19 0.946 42
0.279 31 0.398
Earl Averill 28 0.558 27 0.928 40
0.279 35 0.395
Chipper Jones 29 0.557 21 0.937 32 0.283 25 0.401
Duke Snider 30 0.553 31 0.919 81 0.266 75 0.380
Al Simmons 31 0.551 33 0.915 76 0.267 74 0.380
Dick Allen 32 0.545 34 0.912 84 0.266 79 0.378
Mike Schmidt 33 0.543 35 0.907 79 0.267 72 0.380
Juan Gonzalez 34 0.542 37 0.904 240 0.234 268 0.343
Bob Johnson 35 0.539 38 0.899 38 0.280 40 0.393
Bill Terry 36 0.538 39 0.899 34 0.281 41 0.393
Mo Vau ghn 37 0.532 36 0.906 86 0.265 68 0.383
Chuck Klein 38 0.530 30 0.922 113 0.259 77 0.379
Fred McGriff 39 0.529 48 0.886 85 0.266 86 0.377
Willie McCovey 40 0.528 42 0.889 92 0.263 97 0.374
Babe Herman 41 0.528 32 0.915 91 0.263 67 0.383
Rafael Palmeiro 42 0.528 43 0.889 104
0.260 106 0.372
Tim Salmon 43 0.524 47 0.886 55 0.274 55 0.386
Goose Goslin 44 0.523 46 0.887 51 0.274 53 0.387
Mickey Cochrane 45 0.521 40 0.897 13 0.302 9 0.419
Sammy Sosa 46 0.518 41 0.892 272 0.229 242 0.348
Willie Stargell 47 0.518 44 0.889 190 0.243 169 0.360
Ellis Burks 48 0.518 60 0.874 143
0.252 146 0.363
Moises Alou 49 0.517 54 0.880 135 0.253 132 0.367
Eddie Mathews 50 0.515 49 0.885 98 0.262 90 0.376
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Harmon Killebrew 51 0.514 50 0.884 102 0.261 92 0.376
Darryl Strawberry 52 0.513 68 0.862 164 0.247 197 0.356
Bernie Williams 53 0.513 59 0.875 53
0.274 52 0.388
Charlie Gehringer 54 0.510 51 0.884 25 0.287 21 0.404
Ryan Klesko 55 0.509 45 0.888 117
0.258 104 0.373
Paul Waner 56 0.508 57 0.878 24 0.289 20 0.404
Will Clark 57 0.508 53 0.880 66 0.270 63 0.384
Larry Doby 58 0.508 58 0.876 58
0.273 57 0.386
Gabby Hartnett 59 0.507 72 0.858 108 0.259 120 0.370
Jackie Robinson 60 0.505 52 0.883 23
0.291 17 0.409
Jack Clark 61 0.505 80 0.854 61
0.271 78 0.379
David Justice 62 0.503 56 0.878 97 0.262 84 0.378
Al Kaline 63 0.502 78 0.855 75
0.267 93 0.376
George Brett 64 0.501 76 0.857 109
0.259 122 0.369
Joe Cronin 65 0.501 75 0.857 39
0.279 46 0.390
Jose Canseco 66 0.500 63 0.867 223 0.238 216 0.353
Arky Vaug ha n 67 0.499 70 0.859 18
0.295 19 0.406
Jeff Heath 68 0.499 55 0.879 131
0.254 117 0.370
Norm Cash 69 0.498 67 0.862 112
0.259 99 0.374
Bill Dickey 70 0.497 62 0.868 89
0.265 70 0.382
Joe Medwick 71 0.496 64 0.867 162
0.248 153 0.362
Jim Bottomley 72 0.495 61 0.870 129
0.254 123 0.369
George Grantham 73 0.495 82 0.854 29
0.284 42 0.392
Heinie Manush 74 0.494 77 0.856 83 0.266 88 0.377
Carl Ya str ze m sk i 75 0.493 99 0.842 63
0.270 76 0.380
Kiki Cuyler 76 0.491 69 0.860 67
0.269 54 0.386
Minnie Minoso 77 0.491 88 0.848 48
0.276 49 0.389
Andres Galarraga 78 0.490 93 0.846 226
0.237 247 0.347
Tony Gwynn 79 0.490 91 0.847 46 0.277 50 0.388
Orlando Cepeda 80 0.490 87 0.849 208 0.240 233 0.350
John Olerud 81 0.488 65 0.864 33 0.282 28 0.399
Wade Boggs 82 0.488 73 0.858 16 0.298 12 0.415
Reggie Jackson 83 0.488 95 0.846 181 0.244 202 0.356
Reggie Smith 84 0.487 79 0.855 139 0.252 134 0.366
Shawn Green 85 0.486 66 0.864 213 0.240 196 0.357
Rudy Yo rk 86 0.483 96 0.846 161 0.248 154 0.362
Jim Rice 87 0.482 81 0.854 221 0.238 224 0.352
Billy Williams 88 0.480 83 0.853 165 0.247 160 0.361
Enos Slaughter 89 0.479 107 0.835 62 0.271 71 0.382
Kent Hrbek 90 0.479 90 0.848 133 0.253 131 0.367
Fred Lynn 91 0.479 97 0.845 178 0.245 166 0.360
Eddie Murray 92 0.479 105 0.836 155
0.249 175 0.359
Rico Carty 93 0.478 110 0.833 120 0.257 124 0.369
Sid Gordon 94 0.476 98 0.843 95 0.263 89 0.377
Luis Gonzalez 95 0.476 71 0.859 147 0.250 119 0.370
Rickey Henderson 96 0.476 135 0.820 19 0.295 23 0.401
Dave Wineld 97 0.476 120 0.827 192 0.243 218 0.353
Jeff Kent 98 0.474 74 0.858 251
0.233 222 0.352
Rocky Colavito 99 0.473 89 0.848 186 0.243 177 0.359
Sam Rice 100 0.473 183 0.801 71 0.269 101 0.374
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Ted Kluszewski 101 0.472 86 0.850 234 0.234 217 0.353
Ray Lankford 102 0.472 100 0.841 152 0.249 142 0.364
Gene Woodling 103 0.472 142 0.817 44
0.278 56 0.386
Dwight Evans 104 0.470 102 0.840 122 0.256 118 0.370
Roy Sievers 105 0.470 119 0.829 198
0.242 211 0.354
Harold Baines 106 0.470 133 0.820 154 0.249 201 0.356
Tony Lazzeri 107 0.470 92 0.846 93 0.263 73 0.380
Frank Howard 108 0.470 85 0.851 235
0.234 219 0.352
Paul Molitor 109 0.469 143 0.817 110 0.259 126 0.369
Bobby Bonds 110 0.469 123 0.824 195
0.242 214 0.353
Paul O’Neill 111 0.467 111 0.833 158
0.249 148 0.363
Roberto Clemente 112 0.467 108 0.834 176 0.245 176 0.359
Greg Luzinski 113 0.466 101 0.840 166
0.247 149 0.363
Bobby Doerr 114 0.466 126 0.823 132
0.253 159 0.362
Bob Meusel 115 0.464 84 0.852 228
0.236 199 0.356
Vic Wertz 116 0.463 109 0.833 142 0.252 141 0.364
Dante Bichette 117 0.463 106 0.835 320
0.219 309 0.336
Keith Hernandez 118 0.463 132 0.821 47
0.276 61 0.384
Andre Thornton 119 0.462 154 0.811 140
0.252 172 0.360
Joe Morgan 120 0.462 137 0.819 35
0.281 43 0.392
Ben Chapman 121 0.462 125 0.823 57
0.273 66 0.383
Kirby Puckett 122 0.461 104 0.837 183
0.244 171 0.360
Gil Hodges 123 0.461 94 0.846 220
0.239 181 0.359
Ernie Banks 124 0.461 116 0.830 341 0.215 337 0.330
Reggie Sanders 125 0.461 112 0.832 282
0.228 260 0.344
Ivan Rodriguez 126 0.461 103 0.837 245
0.233 246 0.347
Boog Powell 127 0.460 128 0.822 153
0.249 165 0.360
Yog i Berra 128 0.460 114 0.830 244
0.234 241 0.348
Rod Carew 129 0.458 129 0.822 36 0.280 39 0.393
Bing Miller 130 0.458 134 0.820 172 0.245 180 0.359
Mark Grace 131 0.457 122 0.825 70 0.269 65 0.383
Joe Judge 132 0.457 189 0.798 65 0.270 80 0.378
Ron Santo 133 0.457 121 0.826 151 0.250 151 0.362
Carlton Fisk 134 0.456 191 0.797 266 0.230 287 0.341
Bobby Bonilla 135 0.456 118 0.829 184 0.244 189 0.358
Tony Oliva 136 0.455 117 0.830 225 0.238 215 0.353
George Foster 137 0.454 138 0.818 283 0.228 295 0.339
Dixie Walker 138 0.454 136 0.820 64 0.270 69 0.383
Roberto Alomar 139 0.453 150 0.814 100 0.261 111 0.371
Barry Larkin 140 0.452 147 0.815 124 0.255 113 0.370
Luke Appling 141 0.451 188 0.798 22 0.292 27 0.399
Tony Perez 142 0.451 170 0.804 277
0.228 286 0.341
Harlond Clift 143 0.451 113 0.831 50 0.275 45 0.390
Ver n Stephens 144 0.450 146 0.815 203 0.241 204 0.355
Chili Davis 145 0.450 155 0.811 160 0.248 173 0.360
Don Mattingly 146 0.450 115 0.830 216 0.239 186 0.358
Dave Parker 147 0.449 159 0.810 287 0.227 294 0.339
Ron Gant 148 0.449 173 0.803 288
0.226 312 0.336
Tino Martinez 149 0.449 141 0.817 257 0.232 256 0.345
Julio Franco 150 0.449 228 0.785 101 0.261 133 0.366
Fair: Estimated Age Effects in Baseball
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Ernie Lombardi 151 0.449 139 0.818 182 0.244 187 0.358
Elmer Val o 152 0.448 213 0.790 17 0.296 30 0.398
Johnny Bench 153 0.448 140 0.818 279
0.228 281 0.342
Joe Adcock 154 0.448 130 0.822 313 0.221 302 0.337
Vinny Castilla 155 0.447 151 0.813 371
0.208 367 0.324
Hal McRae 156 0.447 168 0.805 206 0.240 228 0.351
Bob Watson 157 0.446 156 0.811 136 0.253 144 0.363
Andre Dawson 158 0.446 167 0.805 352
0.212 368 0.323
Ken Singleton 159 0.445 124 0.824 68 0.269 51 0.388
Matt Williams 160 0.444 169 0.805 381
0.205 390 0.317
Frankie Frisch 161 0.444 182 0.801 107
0.259 127 0.369
Dale Murphy 162 0.443 148 0.815 259 0.231 253 0.346
Andy Pafko 163 0.443 185 0.799 215
0.240 232 0.350
Tim Raines 164 0.443 157 0.810 60
0.271 60 0.385
Joe Gordon 165 0.443 127 0.823 212
0.240 192 0.357
Cesar Cedeno 166 0.443 212 0.790 196 0.242 251 0.346
Craig Biggio 167 0.442 160 0.807 106
0.260 102 0.373
Bob Elliott 168 0.441 149 0.815 105
0.260 95 0.375
Joe Torre 169 0.441 144 0.817 159
0.249 139 0.365
Joe Vo s m i k 170 0.440 163 0.807 115
0.258 125 0.369
Del Ennis 171 0.439 153 0.812 289
0.226 292 0.340
Cecil Cooper 172 0.438 175 0.802 303
0.223 305 0.337
Jeff Conine 173 0.438 184 0.799 233
0.235 239 0.348
Carl Furillo 174 0.438 152 0.813 219 0.239 205 0.355
Brian Downing 175 0.438 195 0.796 111
0.259 116 0.370
Jimmy Wynn 176 0.437 181 0.801 130
0.254 136 0.365
Lonnie Smith 177 0.437 207 0.791 90
0.264 110 0.371
Wally Joyner 178 0.436 180 0.802 149
0.250 152 0.362
Pete Rose 179 0.436 230 0.784 80 0.267 94 0.375
Ken Boyer 180 0.435 158 0.810 256 0.232 238 0.349
Mickey Ver non 181 0.435 220 0.787 148 0.250 184 0.359
Rusty Staub 182 0.434 203 0.793 137 0.253 150 0.362
Gary Matthews 183 0.434 177 0.802 145 0.250 143 0.364
Greg Vaug hn 184 0.433 162 0.807 322 0.219 303 0.337
Rick Monday 185 0.432 172 0.804 170 0.246 162 0.361
Bobby Murcer 186 0.432 179 0.802 179 0.245 190 0.357
Bobby Grich 187 0.432 200 0.794 118 0.258 114 0.370
Phil Cavarretta 188 0.431 217 0.788 94 0.263 105 0.372
Brady Anderson 189 0.431 219 0.787 144 0.251 155 0.362
Darrell Evans 190 0.431 204 0.792 163 0.247 161 0.361
Dom DiMaggio 191 0.431 178 0.802 74 0.268 64 0.383
Al Oliver 192 0.430 199 0.795 254
0.232 262 0.344
Bobby Higginson 193 0.430 145 0.816 207 0.240 179 0.359
Kenny Lofton 194 0.430 194 0.797 116 0.258 108 0.372
Richie Hebner 195 0.430 210 0.790 205 0.241 221 0.352
Garret Anderson 196 0.430 165 0.806 345 0.214 344 0.329
Robin Ve ntu ra 197 0.429 166 0.806 174 0.245 156 0.362
Pie Traynor 198 0.429 192 0.797 157
0.249 157 0.362
Roger Maris 199 0.429 131 0.822 286 0.227 255 0.345
Sam West 200 0.428 196 0.796 127 0.255 112 0.371
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Buddy Myer 201 0.427 198 0.795 52 0.274 47 0.389
Ryne Sandberg 202 0.426 197 0.795 269 0.230 264 0.344
Steve Finley 203 0.426 224 0.787 302
0.224 304 0.337
Joe Sewell 204 0.425 171 0.804 54 0.274 44 0.391
Pinky Higgins 205 0.425 187 0.798 126
0.255 115 0.370
Bill Madlock 206 0.425 161 0.807 171 0.246 137 0.365
George Hendrick 207 0.425 246 0.775 312 0.221 343 0.329
Bill Skowron 208 0.424 206 0.792 319
0.219 327 0.332
Bill White 209 0.424 164 0.806 247 0.233 229 0.351
J.T. Snow 210 0.424 208 0.791 168
0.246 185 0.358
Chet Lemon 211 0.423 193 0.797 210
0.240 206 0.355
Ken Griffey Sr. 212 0.423 211 0.790 191 0.243 183 0.359
Stan Hack 213 0.423 209 0.791 43
0.278 37 0.394
Earl Torgeson 214 0.422 176 0.802 73
0.268 58 0.386
Ken Caminiti 215 0.421 202 0.793 274
0.229 250 0.347
Ted Simmons 216 0.421 227 0.785 248 0.233 240 0.348
Ron Cey 217 0.421 186 0.798 232
0.235 212 0.354
Hank Bauer 218 0.421 229 0.785 250
0.233 254 0.346
Willie Horton 219 0.421 216 0.789 327
0.218 325 0.332
Lu Blue 220 0.421 174 0.803 31
0.283 22 0.402
Ben Oglivie 221 0.420 225 0.786 306
0.222 310 0.336
Cal Ripken Jr. 222 0.420 218 0.788 284
0.228 291 0.340
Jimmie Dykes 223 0.419 271 0.764 114
0.258 138 0.365
Ron Fairly 224 0.419 262 0.768 134 0.253 168 0.360
Charlie Jamieson 225 0.418 276 0.763 59
0.272 83 0.378
Marty McManus 226 0.418 221 0.787 173
0.245 191 0.357
Don Baylor 227 0.417 242 0.777 273
0.229 280 0.342
Gary Carter 228 0.417 251 0.773 300
0.224 313 0.335
Chuck Knoblauch 229 0.416 231 0.783 88 0.265 82 0.378
Travis Jackson 230 0.415 257 0.770 276 0.228 306 0.337
Lou Whitaker 231 0.415 215 0.789 146 0.250 147 0.363
Al Smith 232 0.415 222 0.787 201 0.241 188 0.358
George Kell 233 0.414 232 0.781 128 0.254 129 0.367
Bobby Thomson 234 0.413 201 0.794 348 0.214 329 0.332
Robin Yo unt 235 0.413 255 0.772 253 0.232 279 0.342
Andy Van Slyke 236 0.413 205 0.792 242 0.234 235 0.349
George McQuinn 237 0.413 233 0.781 187 0.243 193 0.357
Edgardo Alfonzo 238 0.412 190 0.797 197 0.242 158 0.362
Wally Moses 239 0.412 236 0.779 156 0.249 145 0.363
Travis Fryman 240 0.411 237 0.779 305 0.222 311 0.336
Steve Garvey 241 0.411 243 0.775 334 0.216 340 0.329
Dusty Baker 242 0.411 238 0.779 231
0.235 248 0.347
Amos Otis 243 0.411 261 0.768 243 0.234 270 0.343
Alan Trammell 244 0.410 264 0.767 188 0.243 226 0.351
Ray Durham 245 0.410 214 0.789 229 0.236 210 0.354
Richie Ashburn 246 0.409 240 0.778 28 0.284 33 0.396
Sam Chapman 247 0.408 234 0.780 275 0.229 277 0.343
Eric Karros 248 0.406 239 0.779 364
0.210 364 0.325
Mike Hargrove 249 0.405 223 0.787 49 0.275 34 0.396
George Bell 250 0.405 226 0.785 405 0.198 395 0.316
Fair: Estimated Age Effects in Baseball
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Ruben Sierra 251 0.405 260 0.769 379 0.206 391 0.317
Johnny Callison 252 0.404 253 0.772 317 0.220 333 0.331
Jose Cruz 253 0.404 247 0.774 227
0.236 207 0.354
Ken Keltner 254 0.404 241 0.778 308 0.222 298 0.338
Frank Thomas 255 0.403 249 0.774 8
0.314 6 0.429
Joe Carter 256 0.403 256 0.771 420 0.192 421 0.306
Dave Kingman 257 0.403 235 0.779 431 0.185 428 0.302
Tony Phillips 258 0.401 274 0.763 103
0.260 98 0.374
Jay Bell 259 0.401 282 0.759 255 0.232 266 0.343
Billy Herman 260 0.401 250 0.774 138
0.252 130 0.367
Joe Kuhel 261 0.400 270 0.765 175
0.245 182 0.359
Kevin McReynolds 262 0.400 245 0.775 355 0.212 346 0.328
Brett Butler 263 0.399 294 0.753 82
0.266 87 0.377
Doug DeCinces 264 0.398 248 0.774 351
0.213 342 0.329
Eddie Yos t 265 0.398 268 0.765 37
0.280 38 0.394
Graig Nettles 266 0.398 301 0.750 324 0.219 341 0.329
Gregg Jefferies 267 0.398 267 0.765 237
0.234 261 0.344
Todd Zeile 268 0.398 258 0.769 271
0.229 252 0.346
Bret Boone 269 0.397 252 0.773 354
0.212 355 0.327
Lee May 270 0.397 254 0.772 411
0.196 405 0.313
Roy White 271 0.396 272 0.764 169
0.246 170 0.360
Dan Driessen 272 0.395 265 0.767 211
0.240 200 0.356
Carlos Baerga 273 0.395 286 0.757 310
0.221 328 0.332
Tom Brunansky 274 0.395 278 0.761 332 0.216 351 0.327
Sal Bando 275 0.395 280 0.760 214
0.240 220 0.352
Claudell Washington 276 0.395 316 0.745 321
0.219 362 0.325
Harvey Kuenn 277 0.393 269 0.765 200
0.241 195 0.357
Sherm Lollar 278 0.393 283 0.759 193
0.243 194 0.357
Dave Henderson 279 0.392 289 0.756 378 0.206 379 0.320
Lou Brock 280 0.392 296 0.753 264 0.230 275 0.343
Vad a Pinson 281 0.391 259 0.769 363 0.210 353 0.327
Darrell Porter 282 0.391 275 0.763 202 0.241 209 0.354
Jim Eisenreich 283 0.391 312 0.746 239 0.234 283 0.342
Gil McDougald 284 0.390 266 0.766 209 0.240 198 0.356
Larry Parrish 285 0.390 285 0.757 382 0.205 385 0.318
Rick Ferrell 286 0.389 322 0.741 77 0.267 81 0.378
Toby Harrah 287 0.388 281 0.760 150 0.250 140 0.365
Carney Lansford 288 0.387 292 0.753 236 0.234 273 0.343
Gus Bell 289 0.387 244 0.775 357 0.211 336 0.330
Lance Parrish 290 0.386 293 0.753 396 0.200 404 0.313
Buddy Bell 291 0.385 306 0.747 267 0.230 289 0.341
Lou Piniella 292 0.385 320 0.741 311
0.221 324 0.333
Billy Goodman 293 0.385 290 0.754 96 0.263 91 0.376
Eric You ng 294 0.385 297 0.753 167 0.247 163 0.361
Charlie Grimm 295 0.385 325 0.738 246 0.233 285 0.341
Bob Bailey 296 0.384 300 0.750 230 0.236 244 0.347
George Scott 297 0.384 263 0.767 344 0.214 321 0.333
Tony Gonzalez 298 0.383 273 0.763 260
0.231 231 0.350
Jorge Orta 299 0.383 308 0.746 307 0.222 315 0.334
Bruce Bochte 300 0.382 287 0.756 180 0.245 167 0.360
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
B.J. Surhoff 301 0.380 302 0.749 318 0.219 317 0.334
Felipe Alou 302 0.380 279 0.760 368 0.208 348 0.328
Tony Fernandez 303 0.379 309 0.746 241
0.234 245 0.347
Willie Kamm 304 0.379 288 0.756 123 0.256 109 0.372
Gary Gaetti 305 0.379 321 0.741 415
0.194 417 0.308
Dave Martinez 306 0.378 339 0.730 252 0.232 284 0.341
Gee Walker 307 0.378 277 0.761 360 0.211 334 0.331
Hector Lopez 308 0.378 317 0.745 331
0.216 339 0.330
Rico Petrocelli 309 0.378 298 0.752 333 0.216 326 0.332
Pinky Whitney 310 0.377 284 0.758 290
0.226 274 0.343
Pee Wee Reese 311 0.377 319 0.743 141
0.252 135 0.366
Dick Bartell 312 0.377 307 0.747 217 0.239 203 0.355
Greg Gross 313 0.376 351 0.723 78
0.267 107 0.372
Bill Freehan 314 0.376 299 0.752 299
0.224 293 0.340
Pete Runnels 315 0.376 295 0.753 119
0.257 96 0.374
Willie Jones 316 0.375 291 0.753 296 0.225 269 0.343
Jerry Mumphrey 317 0.374 315 0.745 238
0.234 237 0.349
Lloyd Waner 318 0.374 305 0.747 224
0.238 213 0.353
Tony Cuccinello 319 0.373 327 0.737 265
0.230 271 0.343
Devon White 320 0.372 324 0.739 384
0.204 380 0.320
Bill Buckner 321 0.372 343 0.729 356
0.212 375 0.321
Delino DeShields 322 0.372 341 0.729 189
0.243 223 0.352
Elston Howard 323 0.372 304 0.749 391
0.202 374 0.322
Terry Steinbach 324 0.371 311 0.746 362 0.210 359 0.326
Chris Chambliss 325 0.371 303 0.749 326
0.218 316 0.334
Curt Flood 326 0.371 337 0.732 258
0.231 278 0.342
Alvin Dark 327 0.370 318 0.744 329
0.217 322 0.333
Dick McAuliffe 328 0.370 310 0.746 285
0.227 272 0.343
Lloyd Moseby 329 0.369 313 0.746 335 0.216 332 0.332
Tommy Davis 330 0.369 333 0.734 342 0.215 345 0.329
Roy Smalley 331 0.367 323 0.740 280 0.228 258 0.345
Marquis Grissom 332 0.366 329 0.736 392 0.201 384 0.319
Jim Fregosi 333 0.365 328 0.736 295 0.225 297 0.338
Davey Lopes 334 0.364 326 0.737 263 0.231 236 0.349
Jose Offerman 335 0.364 330 0.734 177 0.245 164 0.361
Willie McGee 336 0.363 342 0.729 314 0.220 319 0.333
Willie Randolph 337 0.363 350 0.724 99 0.262 103 0.373
Tim Wallach 338 0.362 336 0.732 395 0.200 397 0.316
Garry Maddox 339 0.361 334 0.733 386 0.203 378 0.320
Brooks Robinson 340 0.360 353 0.723 358 0.211 373 0.322
Don Money 341 0.360 331 0.734 347 0.214 349 0.328
Al Bumbry 342 0.359 356 0.721 261
0.231 267 0.343
Lonny Frey 343 0.359 332 0.734 194 0.243 178 0.359
Pete O’Brien 344 0.359 314 0.745 330 0.216 307 0.336
Bill Bruton 345 0.358 357 0.720 336 0.216 347 0.328
Willie Montanez 346 0.358 340 0.729 349 0.213 352 0.327
Doc Cramer 347 0.357 360 0.716 278 0.228 290 0.340
Deron Johnson 348 0.356 338 0.731 416
0.194 411 0.311
Willie Davis 349 0.356 352 0.723 404 0.198 408 0.311
Benito Santiago 350 0.354 354 0.722 414 0.194 419 0.307
Fair: Estimated Age Effects in Baseball
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Whitey Lockman 351 0.354 335 0.732 292 0.226 282 0.342
Red Schoendienst 352 0.353 349 0.724 304 0.222 300 0.337
Jose Cardenal 353 0.352 344 0.728 340
0.216 323 0.333
Bill Doran 354 0.352 345 0.728 222 0.238 208 0.354
Ken Oberkfell 355 0.351 364 0.713 204
0.241 230 0.351
Charlie Hayes 356 0.348 363 0.714 383 0.204 392 0.316
Ed Kranepool 357 0.346 382 0.693 353 0.212 393 0.316
Jim Piersall 358 0.345 358 0.718 346
0.214 331 0.332
Tim McCarver 359 0.345 347 0.725 337 0.216 301 0.337
Phil Garner 360 0.344 366 0.711 375
0.207 370 0.323
Jim Gilliam 361 0.344 361 0.715 185
0.244 174 0.360
Ron Hunt 362 0.344 362 0.715 125 0.255 128 0.368
Al Cowens 363 0.342 355 0.722 388
0.202 383 0.319
Vic Power 364 0.342 348 0.725 413
0.195 400 0.315
Ossie Bluege 365 0.341 370 0.707 218
0.239 225 0.352
Matty Alou 366 0.340 346 0.726 297 0.225 259 0.344
Peanuts Lowrey 367 0.339 376 0.698 298
0.225 308 0.336
Mark McLemore 368 0.338 384 0.690 199
0.241 234 0.349
Nellie Fox 369 0.338 368 0.710 262
0.231 243 0.347
Denis Menke 370 0.336 365 0.713 270
0.230 276 0.343
Tommy Harper 371 0.334 359 0.717 323
0.219 296 0.338
Dave Philley 372 0.333 367 0.710 325
0.218 318 0.334
Phil Rizzuto 373 0.330 372 0.706 249
0.233 227 0.351
Omar Vizquel 374 0.329 375 0.699 291 0.226 288 0.341
Rabbit Maranville 375 0.329 420 0.658 339
0.216 386 0.318
Dick Groat 376 0.328 380 0.696 343
0.215 338 0.330
Terry Pendleton 377 0.327 371 0.707 408
0.197 398 0.316
Stan Javier 378 0.327 369 0.708 293
0.226 257 0.345
Johnny Roseboro 379 0.326 378 0.697 361 0.210 360 0.326
Willie Wilson 380 0.321 373 0.702 369 0.208 357 0.326
Joe Orsulak 381 0.321 377 0.698 370 0.208 366 0.324
Mike Scioscia 382 0.320 374 0.700 294 0.225 263 0.344
Mike Bordick 383 0.320 387 0.685 366 0.209 369 0.323
Frank White 384 0.319 399 0.675 434 0.182 436 0.293
Steve Sax 385 0.319 383 0.692 309 0.221 314 0.335
Bob Boone 386 0.318 416 0.661 376 0.206 399 0.315
Granny Hamner 387 0.318 386 0.686 417 0.192 425 0.303
Bill Virdon 388 0.317 381 0.696 397 0.200 394 0.316
Chris Speier 389 0.317 398 0.676 328 0.217 354 0.327
Paul Blair 390 0.315 390 0.684 422 0.191 426 0.302
Enos Cabell 391 0.313 396 0.677 410 0.196 418 0.308
Royce Clayton 392 0.313 391 0.684 402
0.198 406 0.312
Bob Kennedy 393 0.311 413 0.664 394 0.201 413 0.309
Dave Concepcion 394 0.310 393 0.679 365 0.209 372 0.322
Greg Gagne 395 0.309 389 0.684 429 0.186 427 0.302
Tom Herr 396 0.308 379 0.697 281 0.228 249 0.347
Clete Boyer 397 0.307 407 0.670 428 0.186 432 0.299
Scott Fletcher 398 0.307 402 0.674 316
0.220 330 0.332
Frank Bolling 399 0.307 394 0.679 403 0.198 403 0.313
Maury Wills 400 0.306 415 0.661 315 0.220 335 0.330
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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Table A.1 (continued)
Ranking of Batters
Full time & Full time &
age corrected Lifetime age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank OPS Rank CNST Rank OPS
Bill Mazeroski 401 0.303 410 0.667 427 0.187 431 0.299
Leo Cardenas 402 0.302 395 0.678 412 0.195 407 0.311
Jim Gantner 403 0.302 406 0.671 389
0.202 381 0.319
Jim Davenport 404 0.301 388 0.684 399 0.199 387 0.318
Brad Ausmus 405 0.301 392 0.680 367
0.209 361 0.326
Otis Nixon 406 0.301 419 0.658 268 0.230 265 0.344
Jim Sundberg 407 0.300 401 0.674 359 0.211 356 0.327
Ozzie Smith 408 0.299 411 0.666 301
0.224 299 0.338
Russ Snyder 409 0.298 385 0.688 390 0.202 363 0.325
Al Lopez 410 0.298 414 0.663 350
0.213 358 0.326
Lenny Harris 411 0.298 412 0.665 398
0.199 388 0.317
Tommy McCraw 412 0.297 408 0.670 424 0.190 416 0.309
Del Unser 413 0.295 397 0.677 393
0.201 382 0.319
Garry Templeton 414 0.294 403 0.673 426
0.187 423 0.304
Chico Carrasquel 415 0.294 400 0.674 338
0.216 320 0.333
Manny Trillo 416 0.294 417 0.660 387 0.202 396 0.316
Marty Marion 417 0.293 409 0.668 373
0.208 371 0.323
Tony Taylor 418 0.293 405 0.673 385
0.204 376 0.321
Billy Jurges 419 0.291 418 0.660 374
0.207 365 0.325
Tony Pena 420 0.291 404 0.673 423
0.190 415 0.309
Luis Aparicio 421 0.288 423 0.653 407
0.197 410 0.311
Hughie Critz 422 0.287 421 0.656 421
0.191 424 0.303
Derrel Thomas 423 0.287 426 0.649 377
0.206 389 0.317
Bert Campaneris 424 0.286 424 0.653 401 0.199 409 0.311
Bill Russell 425 0.282 427 0.648 406
0.198 412 0.310
Jim Hegan 426 0.281 429 0.639 432
0.184 435 0.295
Julian Javier 427 0.278 425 0.651 435
0.182 434 0.296
Cookie Rojas 428 0.276 428 0.643 418
0.192 422 0.306
Tito Fuentes 429 0.275 422 0.653 425 0.189 420 0.307
Roy McMillan 430 0.262 430 0.635 400 0.199 401 0.314
Ozzie Guillen 431 0.259 434 0.626 437 0.174 437 0.287
Aurelio Rodriguez 432 0.256 433 0.626 441 0.161 441 0.275
Larry Bowa 433 0.252 435 0.620 430 0.185 430 0.300
Freddie Patek 434 0.250 431 0.633 419 0.192 414 0.309
Don Kessinger 435 0.249 432 0.626 409 0.197 402 0.314
Leo Durocher 436 0.244 436 0.619 433 0.184 433 0.298
Alfredo Griffin 437 0.233 438 0.604 439 0.170 438 0.285
Bud Harrelson 438 0.231 437 0.616 372 0.208 350 0.327
Tim Foli 439 0.225 439 0.593 438 0.171 439 0.283
Ed Brinkman 440 0.210 440 0.580 440 0.165 440 0.280
Mark Belanger 441 0.200 441 0.580 436 0.181 429 0.300
Fair: Estimated Age Effects in Baseball
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Table A.2
Ranking of Pitchers
Full time &
age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank ERA
Whitey Ford 1 4.692 1 2.745
Tom Seaver 2 4.694 3 2.862
Bob Gibson 3 4.696 5 2.915
Jim Palmer 4 4.741 2 2.856
Mike Cuellar 5 4.815 14 3.138
Lefty Grove 6 4.835 10 3.058
Warren Spahn 7 4.873 12 3.086
Gaylord Perry 8 4.874 13 3.105
Greg Maddux 9 4.886 7 2.949
Phil Niekro 10 4.887 48 3.351
Juan Marichal 11 4.897 4 2.889
Carl Hubbell 12 4.906 8 2.978
Randy Johnson 13 4.927 11 3.068
Don Drysdale 14 4.932 6 2.948
Nolan Ryan 15 4.962 20 3.193
Dazzy Va nce 16 4.977 27 3.240
Roger Clemens 17 4.986 18 3.181
Hal Newhouser 18 4.998 9 3.055
Dutch Leonard 19 5.029 29 3.250
Dave McNally 20 5.048 26 3.237
Luis Tiant 21 5.051 40 3.304
Tommy John 22 5.055 45 3.342
Catfish Hunter 23 5.065 31 3.256
Don Sutton 24 5.092 32 3.261
Steve Carlton 25 5.098 23 3.215
Jim Bunning 26 5.100 35 3.269
Curt Schilling 27 5.107 43 3.325
Dolf Luque 28 5.109 28 3.245
Curt Davis 29 5.123 57 3.422
Vida Blue 30 5.135 33 3.265
Kevin Brown 31 5.138 21 3.201
Bob Lemon 32 5.139 25 3.234
Bert Blyleven 33 5.141 41 3.314
Bucky Walters 34 5.152 38 3.302
Jerry Koosman 35 5.153 50 3.359
Ed Lopat 36 5.162 22 3.206
Rick Reuschel 37 5.168 51 3.373
Claude Passeau 38 5.171 42 3.319
Red Faber 39 5.176 16 3.149
Lon Warneke 40 5.199 19 3.183
Billy Pierce 41 5.199 34 3.269
John Smoltz 42 5.205 36 3.274
Joe Niekro 43 5.207 84 3.593
Dizzy Trout 44 5.219 24 3.233
Robin Roberts 45 5.221 56 3.405
Steve Rogers 46 5.221 17 3.175
Fergie Jenkins 47 5.225 44 3.338
Dwight Gooden 48 5.230 70 3.506
Eppa Rixey 49 5.251 15 3.148
Allie Reynolds 50 5.252 39 3.304
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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Table A.2 (continued)
Ranking of Pitchers
Full time &
age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank ERA
Bob Feller 51 5.252 30 3.255
Claude Osteen 52 5.259 37 3.298
Charley Root 53 5.263 81 3.586
Lefty Gomez 54 5.265 47 3.344
Orel Hershiser 55 5.274 67 3.482
Jerry Reuss 56 5.287 88 3.637
Al Leiter 57 5.298 90 3.654
Bret Saberhagen 58 5.300 46 3.343
Jim Perry 59 5.302 62 3.446
Dave Stieb 60 5.313 58 3.438
Hal Schumacher 61 5.315 49 3.357
Milt Pappas 62 5.318 54 3.398
Virgil Trucks 63 5.332 53 3.385
Curt Simmons 64 5.334 76 3.543
Larry Jackson 65 5.344 55 3.401
Bob Buhl 66 5.347 78 3.545
Camilo Pascual 67 5.353 87 3.633
Burt Hooton 68 5.356 52 3.380
Tom Glavine 69 5.362 60 3.438
Ken Holtzman 70 5.369 68 3.487
Jim Kaat 71 5.373 63 3.453
Paul Derringer 72 5.373 64 3.459
Lew Burdette 73 5.374 91 3.656
Danny Darwin 74 5.376 114 3.837
Bob Welch 75 5.383 66 3.467
David Cone 76 5.396 65 3.462
Mickey Lolich 77 5.410 59 3.438
Murry Dickson 78 5.412 92 3.656
Dennis Martinez 79 5.419 97 3.697
Fernando Va le nzu el a 80 5.421 77 3.545
Charlie Hough 81 5.426 106 3.746
Jimmy Key 82 5.439 71 3.507
Bill Lee 83 5.467 74 3.542
Freddie Fitzsimmons 84 5.469 72 3.509
Tom Candiotti 85 5.475 103 3.732
Ted Lyons 86 5.482 94 3.668
Larry French 87 5.485 61 3.444
Early Wynn 88 5.487 75 3.542
Tommy Bridges 89 5.508 79 3.573
Rick Rhoden 90 5.523 85 3.595
Herb Pennock 91 5.543 86 3.598
Bob Friend 92 5.553 80 3.584
Kevin Appier 93 5.553 105 3.738
Doyle Alexander 94 5.555 107 3.757
Waite Hoyt 95 5.560 82 3.588
Frank Tanana 96 5.580 93 3.662
Ver n Law 97 5.584 109 3.766
Mike Mussina 98 5.586 83 3.593
Frank Viola 99 5.591 101 3.728
Tom Zachary 100 5.592 100 3.728
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Table A.2 (continued)
Ranking of Pitchers
Full time &
age corrected Lifetime
Rank CNST Rank ERA
Doug Drabek 101 5.601 104 3.735
Rick Wise 102 5.602 96 3.687
Burleigh Grimes 103 5.613 73 3.527
Charlie Leibrandt 104 5.626 98 3.712
Bruce Hurst 105 5.628 121 3.917
Bob Forsch 106 5.629 108 3.765
Bob Knepper 107 5.650 95 3.676
Chuck Finley 108 5.663 116 3.845
Mark Langston 109 5.670 125 3.967
Red Lucas 110 5.673 99 3.721
Ned Garver 111 5.685 102 3.731
Dennis Eckersley 112 5.691 69 3.501
Jamie Moyer 113 5.718 135 4.148
Paul Splittorff 114 5.722 112 3.812
Jim Lonborg 115 5.727 118 3.857
Sam Jones 116 5.729 115 3.838
Red Ruffing 117 5.732 110 3.798
Mel Harder 118 5.734 111 3.801
Jesse Haines 119 5.756 89 3.641
David Wells 120 5.766 131 4.035
Jack Billingham 121 5.768 113 3.829
Bobo Newsom 122 5.771 127 3.984
Ron Darling 123 5.789 119 3.874
Guy Bush 124 5.790 117 3.855
Jack Morris 125 5.806 120 3.900
Danny MacFayden 126 5.860 123 3.961
Bill Gullickson 127 5.862 122 3.930
Andy Benes 128 5.888 126 3.973
Steve Renko 129 5.904 130 3.995
George Uhle 130 5.909 129 3.993
Tim Belcher 131 5.938 136 4.163
Mike Torrez 132 5.944 124 3.962
Rick Sutcliffe 133 5.968 133 4.080
Mike Hampton 134 5.974 128 3.991
Kenny Rogers 135 5.978 139 4.269
Kevin Gross 136 6.060 134 4.113
Wes Ferrell 137 6.073 132 4.039
Bump Hadley 138 6.085 138 4.244
John Burkett 139 6.104 140 4.309
Mike Moore 140 6.159 143 4.389
Earl Whitehill 141 6.227 142 4.358
Steve Trachsel 142 6.285 137 4.231
Kevin Tapani 143 6.327 141 4.347
Bobby Witt 144 6.616 144 4.834
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 4 [2008], Iss. 1, Art. 1
DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1074
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